The Nobel Prize

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Every October, the committees in Sweden and Norway give Nobel Prizes in six areas to acknowledge innovative contribution of the chosen winners in their respective field.

Let’s watch the video and learn more about the selection process, areas, some notable laureates and the prize itself.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you know about the prestigious Nobel Prize?
  2. What can you say about the irony of its origin?
  3. What are the different areas of the Nobel Prize?
  4. What other areas or categories do you think should be added?
  5. Do you know any Nobel Prize winners? Do you think they deserve it?
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2 replies on “The Nobel Prize”

What do you know about the prestigious Nobel Prize?
Nobel Prize is price give each year o a person or an organisacion who contributes to perform the planet.

What can you say about the irony of its origin?
The person who created the Nobel Prize was the inventor of explosive. He would like to remember his name when he died.

What are the different areas of the Nobel Prize?
Peace, literature, medecine, fisics, and economist

What other areas or categories do you think should be added?

Do you know any Nobel Prize winners? Do you think they deserve it?
Marie Currie, Eisten, Martin Luther King, …

We very much appreciate your efforts in writing your answers to our lesson’s discussion questions. Do not forget to always answer in complete sentences and try to elaborate more on your answers.

Here is a better way to write this sentence:

He would like to remember his name when he died.

He wanted his name to be remembered long after he died.

Keep practicing to see your skills improve more and more.

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