School Lunches from Around the World

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Lunchtime at school is a very important part of a kid’s day. It provides them with enough energy to learn and be active.

Many schools provide students with access to meals. When choosing what to eat for lunch, making a healthy choice is really important.

Let’s watch the video to see what school lunches around the world are like.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do kids in your country usually eat for lunch at their schools?
  2. What was your school lunches like when you were a kid?
  3. Do you think school lunches should be provided by the government? Explain.
  4. What are things to consider for school kids’ lunches/snacks?
  5. In your opinion, which country has the best school lunch? Why do you think so?
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4 replies on “School Lunches from Around the World”

Lunches at school have become one of the biggest concerns among the doctors, society, and government in the last years. The cause is the weight gain of children as well as the effects which are provoking in them cholesterol, obesity and alimentary disorders. On some occasions, the family cannot afford to buy a varied diet. Others, they do not have time to prepare a complete menu and prefer to eat fast food. For these reasons, it was thought to focus on the menus at school, so that the children could have one healthy meal per day, at least. All the menus usually have the same structure every week: one or two portions of eggs, legumes, meat, carbohydrates, one portion of fish and four of five pieces of fruit and vegetables.
I have lived in a different generation where the mothers stayed at home doing the housework and raising their children while the fathers were working outside. In those days, the children usually had lunch at home, and the exception was to eat at school. I only remember just once having lunch at school because my mother could not pick me up that day. The experience was not too good since the meal seemed to me awful, and the staff did not permit to move anyone away until the food was run out.
I do not think that the government should provide with lunches at school for free, since this money comes from the taxes we are paying and, it would implicate to increase it even more to cover these expenses. There are many families which can afford to pay these services and, it is no need to help them. On the contrary, the government must support those whose incomes are lower than average and they cannot access to some basic services.
Fruits and dairy products are some examples to be considered as snacks at school. For lunch time, it is important to include varied and Mediterranean diet, and avoid processed food, fats, and fried food.
It seems to me that all the countries which appear in the video, show a healthy and complete menu. Each one is different but all of them contain proteins, vitamins, minerals and the basic to get energy.

Great work writing your answers here.

Take a look at how this sentence can be written better:

I do not think that the government should provide with lunches at school for free, since this money comes from the taxes we are paying and, it would implicate to increase it even more to cover these expenses

I do not think that the government should provide with lunches for the schools for free. Since this money comes from the taxes we are paying, and it would imply an even more increase in taxes to cover for these expenses.

Keep going with this exercise. You are making a lot of progress.

Discussion Questions:
1. What do kids in your country usually eat for lunch at their schools?
– In my country usually the kids eat a sanwich
2. What was your school lunches like when you were a kid?
– When I was a kid my school lanch was sandwich
3. Do you think school lunches should be provided by the government? Explain.
– Yes, because the school is required and there are people that can’t bring food from home.
4. What are things to consider for school kids’ lunches/snacks?
– Healthy and esay to eat
5. In your opinion, which country has the best school lunch? Why do you think so?
– I only know Spanish lunch, so for me de best is the Spanish.

Thank you for writing your answers to this lesson’s discussion questions here. Good job.

Look at how you can improve this sentence with the proper word order:

In my country usually the kids eat a sanwich

Kids in my country usually eat sandwiches for lunch.

Keep working on your writing progress. You can definitely do it!

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