Plant-Based Diet Helps the Heart

B1 – Intermediate

Your parents probably told you when you were young that you have to eat your vegetables because they’re good for you. However, a new study found that we may not be greatly reducing the risk of heart attacks by eating a lot of veggies because there are many other factors that may affect our heart.

Read more about the study on how plant-based diet helps our heart.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree or disagree that people should eat lots of vegetables? Explain.
  2. What are the other things that can affect our heart?
  3. Money and lifestyle also affect the heart. What is your opinion on this?
  4. How important is eating vegetables to you?
  5. What can you tell someone who doesn’t like eating vegetables too much/at all?
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7 replies on “Plant-Based Diet Helps the Heart”

1. Do you agree or disagree that people should eat lots of vegetables? Explain.

I agree that we should eat vegetables, and I think that is absolutly important to eat a varied diet, rich in vegetables, proteins, fruits. But this always have go to together with a healthy life style; and always you must maintain a balance diet and balance life..

2. What are the other things that can affect our heart?
Stress is one of the main causes.
The exercise, where we live, our income, and if we smoke or drink also affect our heart.
It is important to keep our body in balance with food, exercise and a balanced lifestyle.
3. Money and lifestyle also affect the heart. What is your opinion on this?
Totally agree Money affects our lives for better or worse.
If you don’t have money, this situation causes you stress.
Also, you can’t eat healthy because you have to prioritize other things. and everyone knows that a healthy diet is very expensive; and we buy lower quality products.
4. How important is eating vegetables to you?
For me is very important, Everyday I eat vegetables and combining with other foods, such as legumes, fish, or meat.
I usually cooking with a lot vegetables, I consume soup vegetables or cream vegetables, incluse the legumes also I put a lot vegetables.
5. What can you tell someone who doesn’t like eating vegetables too much/at all?
I Can say that exist different form for prepare the vegetables and It is really delicious; only must give oportunity to eat other things with different preparations. not all is salad, if you search other forms of cooking vegetables, I`m sure that you would have a nice surprise.
And of course, I would say that it is important to have a varied diet.

1. I agree with the part that we should eat vegetables, but not excessively, always combining with a varied diet.
Vegetables provide us with vitamins and minerals necessary for our body.

2. I think that the stress is one of the main causes.
Is important to keep our body in balance with food, exercise, and a relaxed lifestyle.

3. I think that this affirmation is true.
On the one hand, eat healthy is more expensive than eat fast and unhealthy food.
And on the other hand, lifestyle is important for our heart, because your heart can be affected if you have a very stressful life.

4. I have vegetables every day in my diet. Always combining with other important food, like meat or fish.

5. I can tell that is important to have a varied diet.

Welcome to the Phoneenglish blog. Glad you’ve decided to take part in this activity. May you enjoy practicing your writing through this platform!

Take a look at a better way to write some parts of the following sentences:

I agree with the part that we should eat vegetables, but not excessively, always combining with a varied diet.

I agree with the part that we should eat vegetables, but not excessively, it should always be a balanced diet.

Looking forward to reading more from you!

1. I agree that people should eat lots of vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals. Protect against cancer and other diseases. Fruits and vegetables help you maintain good health.
2. The other things that can affect our heart are for example: Cholesterol, Blood pressure, Blood glucose level, family history.
3. I agree with this sentence “Money and lifestyle also affect the heart”. Stress Can Increase Your Risk for Heart Disease. The healthiest food is sometimes more expensive. With less money, people eat fast food…
4. I try to eat vegetables or fruits every day.
5. Vegetables are very important for a healthy life. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent some types of cancer…

Well done practicing your skills. Keep it going!

Here is a sentence you can further improve:

With less money, people eat fast food…

Due to the fact that they lack money, some people tend to eat fast food more.

Enjoy your writing practice all the time!

* I think it is very important to eat vegetables. It should be our first course at meals. It is low in calories and has many nutrients.
* Not exercising is bad for your health and heart. Eat with excess fat. You have to eat a variety.
* Money is important as always. For everything in general. If you have money you can buy better products. Sometimes vegetables and fruits are expensive. And because of that, there are people who cannot buy them. Sometimes we see obese people and it is not always due to overeating.
* That if you don’t eat vegetables, you will have health problems throughout your life.

Keep on practicing your writing and you will surely get to the level that you want to reach.

See how this sentence can be improved:

Eat with excess fat. You have to eat a variety.

Eating very fatty food is also harmful. You have to eat a variety of different food.

Happy writing!

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