Why Some People Are Always Late

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Punctuality matters. It benefits us in all aspects of life. When we are punctual, we show others that we are dependable and that we respect their time. But today, we fail to recognize its value. We have so many excuses for being late. The lack of punctuality has become the blatant hallmark of our culture.

Let’s watch the video to find out why some people struggle so much with their punctuality.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you consider yourself a “timekeeper” or a “timebender”? Why is this?
  2. What might be a few reasons some people are always tardy?
  3. Is it considered rude in your country to be late? Explain your answer.
  4. Have you ever been late late for an important event? What happened?
  5. How do you feel when you are late for a class/appointment/date?
  6. To what events/situations is it important to arrive on time?
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