Comfortable: 50 People 1 Question

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As you might know, social media is the main engine helping the body positivity movement spread wider and get people to feel comfortable in their own skin.

Watch the video to find out the differences between how adults and children perceive themselves.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever felt negative about the way you look? How did you deal with it?
  2. Do you think a lot of people nowadays are overly critical of their appearance and want to change it for the better?
  3. Who is unsatisfied with their appearance the most: the adults or the children?
  4. What do the adults want to change? What do the children want to change?
  5. What conclusion can you draw with this information now?
  6. If you were asked to name one thing you would like to change about yourself, what would it be?
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