The Case for Job Hopping

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Thinking a bit more traditionally, it is believed that one should stay at a company for  at least a few years or even better, for years on end. 

In the more recent years, many employees who keep hopping to different companies are benefiting from career leverage. 

Read the article about the advantages of job hopping and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “buoyant job market” mean? “With each move, she’s worked with higher-profile clients, gained greater experience and acquired deeper skills that now give her leverage in a buoyant job market.” Use this term in your own sentence.
  2. What does “pay-off” mean? “There has also been another significant pay-off: Anna’s successive job moves have meant her salary has grown by 30% in a short space of time.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘pay-off’ in your own sentence.
  3. What does “to work one’s way up” mean? “I started at a small start-up, and have quickly worked my way up.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘to work one’s way up’ in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share your thoughts on job vagrancy or the “Hobo Syndrome”.
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of staying in the same company for a long time?
  3. In your opinion, what is the most ideal number of years of tenure to stay in a company, and why?
  4. In the past, people worked only one job in their whole professional life. Can you imagine that for yourself?
  5. What’s the longest time you’ve worked for a company? What made you stay there for that long?
  6. Should the years you’ve stayed at a company should matter? Explain.
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