Moderna Suing Pfizer over Patent Infringement

B2  – Upper Intermediate

When the Covid-19 pandemic broke out in 2020, the pharmaceutical industry was put under a lot of pressure to immediately develop a vaccine that could hopefully stop the spread of this extremely contagious and deadly virus that was claiming millions of lives all over the world at that time. It was absolutely a race against time.

Top pharmaceutical firms have since developed the wonder vaccines that have helped curbed Covid-19 cases and societies transition back to normality. 

Fast forward to today, Moderna is filing a lawsuit against Pfizer for alleged patent disputes on the mRNA technology.

Read the article about Moderna’s lawsuit against Pfizer over patent infringement.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on this case?
  2. How does your company protect itself from possible intellectual property and patent infringement?
  3. Talk about other patent infringement cases you know of.
  4. What do you know about mRNA and what are your thoughts on it?
  5. Which anti-Covid vax did you get and what side effects did you suffer from?
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2 replies on “Moderna Suing Pfizer over Patent Infringement”

1. What are your thoughts on this case?
In my opinion, issues derived from intellectual property claims are very complex. It is extremely difficult to prove when similar technologies or solutions come from the same source and when they don’t. As economic interests are normally the ones behind these sues, the theme can overcomplicate and end up unfocusing on the priority, which is the reasonthe specificic technology was created.

2. How does your company protect itself from possible intellectual property and patent infringement?
In addition to applying the methods established by law in this regard, we keep a very exhaustive record of who accesses our information and we are also very careful when sharing our knowledge.

3. Talk about other patent infringement cases you know of.
I remember a case related with industrial property I read about some days ago: the internationally known, Inditex owned, “ZARA” took legal actions seeking for the modification of a boutique’s industrial name. It alleged that the name was significantly similar to the great industrial textile goup’s. However, courts determined the owner of the boutique was in its right to use the name chosen and that there was not any misleading danger.

4. What do you know about mRNA and what are your thoughts on it?
Although I studied biology during junior high and high school, I have almost forgotten these specifics. I do know that mRNA functions as a messenger and conveys information about protein formation. I am not afraid of this method, as I have read that it has been used over the years in other vaccines.

5. Which anti-Covid vax did you get and what side effects did you suffer from?
I had the Pfizer vaccines and although I felt fine the day of the shot, I felt sick the next day. My symptoms were no big deal: mostly I had a fever and a headache.

We gladly welcome you to the Phoneenglish blog. Hope this exercise helps you develop your writing skills further.

Take a look at this sentence and see how you can improve it a bit:

My symptoms were no big deal: mostly I had a fever and a headache.

My symptoms were no big deal. I only had a slight fever and a bit of a headache.

Cheers to more entries from you! Enjoy your writing practice.

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