AdSense: Making Money

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We live in a society that cannot be separated from the internet. This is why online ads have become very significant. Some online ads can be very helpful not only to consumers, but also to the website owners and the advertisers. Today, placing ads on websites have been made easier by AdSense.

Let’s listen to the audio and read the transcript to know more about AdSense.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is AdSense? How does it work? How can AdSense help grow online businesses?
  2. What might be benefits and drawbacks of using AdSense?
  3. What can you say about AdSense ads on some websites you have visited?
  4. Are you inclined to purchase products or services through online ads? Why or why not?
  5. How important is making money to you? Explain. 
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