Children’s Books Dealing with Violent Events Like Shootings

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Unfortunately, school shootings have been occurring more frequently recently. It is but natural and sensical for people to mourn the loss of their beloved young ones. However, there is the underlying aftermath that is often overlooked and that is the trauma inflicted on the survivors and other young students who were made unwillingly aware of the tragedy. For the past decade, there has been an increase in sales of books for young readers on how to deal with violence and sorrow brought about by tragic events like school shootings.

Let’s listen to the podcast and know more about this method that could help young children cope with such god-awful situations.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on children reading these books?
  2. Do you think children are ready to face this harsh reality of life? If not, is it more reasonable to keep them in the dark?
  3. What other ways might help children after witnessing a tragic event such as a school shooting?
  4. Share your thoughts on this statement, “Bringing up violence when a child is not worried about it could increase their anxiety unnecessarily.”
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