Banning Smartphones for Children Under 13

© User: 3dman_eu / pixabay / CC0

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Kids born in the late 1990s and early 2000s are born in the digital age. Some kids as young as 2 years old already knows how to turn on a phone and use some apps. Young children learn how to use devices or gadgets such as mobile phones very easily these days but is it beneficial for them to start using cell phones at a young age?

Let us read the article below first and then answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think about the proposal?
2. Why do you think the proposal only targets phones with internet access?
3. What “mental effects” might constant smartphone use have on children?
4. Would you agree that a child’s smartphone usage is a “family matter?” Why? Why not?
5. Do you agree that children under the age of 6 should only watch an hour of videos a day? Why? Why not?
6. Do you think that the children of today will be completely dependent on digital devices by the time they grow up? Why? Why not?

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One reply on “Banning Smartphones for Children Under 13”

1. I´m agree with this proposal.
2. Because the usage only like telephone is not bad for children.
3. It´s bad for their concentration. It´s like a drug or vice.
4. Yes It is, because is an important aspect of his education.
5. I´m agree because they have to play with toys and other children.
6. Yes they are, but not only children, adults too, It´s a social problem.

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