Digital Detox Leads to Better Health and Lifestyle

B1 – Intermediate

People in this present generation are probably the most dependent on digital or electronic devices such as mobile phones, tables, and laptops. We use them so much that sometimes, we forget to “live”.

Read the article about the dangers digital devices bring to people and how digital detox can be beneficial to our health and lifestyle.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion about digital detox? 
  2. Would you be interested to do it too? Why or why not?
  3. Do you agree or disagree that people should consider digital detox? Explain.
  4. What are the negative effects of being too addicted to digital devices?
  5. What is the worst effect of digital devices to you?
  6. Do you know anyone with “nomophobia”? Describe him/her.
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4 replies on “Digital Detox Leads to Better Health and Lifestyle”

1. Digital detox is to take a break from using electronic devices. It is very helpful for our mental heath. I agree with this article. Device use prior to bedtime can interfere with sleep quality and quantity.
2. Yes, I should use less my mobile although I am not an addict. I don’t use the mobile for a long time.
3. Yes, I think that most of the people should do it. We have to avoid that that the new generations are addicted to the mobile.
4. The negative effects of being too addicted to digital device are for example: Body aches, insomnia, vision problems, and weight gain (no exercise) and emotional effects (depression, anxiety…)
5. The worst effect of digital devices to me if the mental health and no interacting with other people because of the mobile use.
6. No, I don’t know anyone with nomophobia. But yes to many people who use the mobile a lot.

You have remained consistent in practicing your writing. Very well done.

Take a look at a better way to express this thought:

Yes, I should use less my mobile although I am not an addict.

Yes, I should use my mobile less even though I am not exactly too addicted to it.

Keep going with this exercise.

1. – I think it’s something that is happening to most of people, but for avoiding it first we have to be aware of it. We need to observe our dependence on it.
2. -Yes, i should use less my mobile and i try to read a book before sleeping in order to avoid to take the mobile. I have also an app that monitors your usage of the mobile
3. -Yes, i think that most of the peopple should do it, when you walk around the street, for example, you can see so many people looking to the mobile in each moment. Or for example when your are awaiting in a underground or so.
4. -The principal negative effect is that you are no living your ‘real’ life, you know, being with people face to face and feel them closely, doing exercise, going to social events, or so.
5. -The worst effect in my case is that it consumes so much time that can be used for developing yourself in order to be a better person. In addition, i feel sometimes overwhelming because of the amount of information your mind process.
6. -I dont know anyone with “nomophobia”.

Welcome to the Phoneenglish blog! Do enjoy practicing your writing through this platform.

Here is a sentence that you can write a bit better:

I think it’s something that is happening to most of people, but for avoiding it first we have to be aware of it.

I think it’s something that is happening to most of people, but to avoid it, we have to be aware of it first.

Looking forward to hearing more from you!

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