Safety: Nothing is Routine

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We can be a victim of our own complacency. It happens when the task becomes too familiar, and our brain goes on autopilot. Ideally, we should always be mindful of everything, but because we have done a specific activity so many times, we tend to start getting complacent.

Here’s a video clip that will remind us how dangerous it can be to start being complacent about safety when it comes to our most mundane tasks.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Retell the scenes that you saw in the video.
  2. Do you agree that nothing is routine when it comes to our safety? Express your thoughts.
  3. How can we be more mindful even if we have already done a task multiple times?
  4. Share one experience you had when you didn’t pay no mind to something you were doing which led to an accident or put you in danger.
  5. What safety practices at home and work should we never be complacent about?
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