Young People Lose Hearing

B1 – Intermediate

What would the world be without music? Well, what would your world be without any sound? Or how would it be like if you couldn’t hear quite well?

According to studies, young people’s sense of hearing are getting worse. This could be because the volume on their headphones is too high or the sound at bars or clubs or concerts they go to is too loud.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about how more and more young people are having problems hearing well.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. What are the reasons people’s sense of hearing is deteriorating? 
  3. What do you think about loud noises/music/places/people?
  4. What is your favorite sound and why?
  5. What would you do if or how would you feel if you had lost your ability to hear properly?
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2 replies on “Young People Lose Hearing”

1.- It was surprise me. I though this problem will produce when you will be adult.
2.- Hearing loud noises from bar, concert , by headphones…
3.- In concerts o bars, The goverment should take actions about this (for example to decrease the loud noises) and population should get used to hear normal noises.
4.- The sound from sea. It’s very relaxing.
5.- I will use earphones. It will be like using glasses.

It is good to see you practice your writing. Always try to give as much details as you can.

See how you can write these sentences better:

It was surprise me. I though this problem will produce when you will be adult.

It was surprised me. I thought this problem will produce only appears when you will be adult are old.

Keep doing this writing exercise to improve your skills more.

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