Keeping New Year’s Resolutions

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A new year brings hope that we can leave the previous behind and look forward to a better one. It is also right around this time when we take the chance to also make some New Year’s resolutions.

However, be careful for this glimmer of hope not to die down along the way.

Read the article to know more on how to keep your New Year’s resolutions.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “set someone up for something” mean? “That feeling of hope can dissipate amid day-to-day stressors but there are ways to set goals without feeling like you’re setting yourself up for failure.” Use it in your own sentence.
  2. What does “follow through” mean? Use it in your own sentence.
  3. Give 1-2 synonyms of “endpoint”. Use them in your own sentences. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why might be reasons people make New Year’s resolutions? Do you make them yourself? Why or why not?
  2. Do you agree or disagree on this, “People should also reflect on their progress to see how far they’ve come rather than only focusing on the endpoint.”? Explain your point.
  3. Share your thoughts on this, “if people know why they’ve set goals, they’re more likely to reach them.”
  4. What are some things you want to change this year and why is it that you want to make said changes?
  5. How can one make sure that they follow through on their goals?
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