Ways to Increase Motivation and Get More Done

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Productivity largely depends on motivation because it’s challenging to complete tasks if you don’t have the desire to perform them.

However, a lot of people have trouble finding and maintaining motivation at work, which can result in a decline in productivity. How you boost motivation so that you accomplish more now presents a difficulty.

Watch this video on ways to increase motivation to get more done.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Give 1-2 synonyms of the word “plummet“. Use them in sentences.
    Many people struggle to get and stay motivated at work which can cause their productivity to plummet.
  2. What does the phrase “cut back” mean?
    Look for changes you can make in your daily routine to promote better sleep. These can be things such as cutting back on caffeine and powering down your devices.
  3. What does the phrase “carve out” mean? Use it in your own sentence.
    Try to carve out at least 30 minutes per day for exercise.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you a motivated individual? How can you say so?
  2. What do you consider to be the most crucial of the methods described in the video?
  3. What are things that motivate you?
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