Crooked Teeth Our Ancestors Didn’t Have

B2 – Upper Intermediate

According to studies, ancient people had all of their teeth, including their wisdom teeth, and they were all perfectly aligned, even though orthodontic braces didn’t exist back then. This seems to be in contrast with modern humans’ crowded, crooked teeth.

As a matter of fact, this led to dental conundrum because of the increased demand for braces and tooth extractions, which are among the most current advancements in dentistry.

Kindly watch the video below to learn more about this topic.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “subsistence” mean? ” A couple million years ago, the ancestors of modern humans lived a subsistence lifestyle.” Make your own sentence using this word.
  2. How about “vye“? “…while teeth stayed roughly the same size, meaning they’re left vying for limited space.” Construct a sentence using this word.
  3. Do you know what “jostle” means? “When they grow in, they may displace others and get jostled into some eccentric positions. ” Use this in your words.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with the findings of this study on teeth? Explain.
  2. What do you think about this statement, “Dental crowding has been caused by people’s less chewy foods, smaller jaws, and dental crookedness”?
  3. How important are teeth to a person?
  4. How can we take care of our teeth?
  5. Talk about your experience visiting the dentist.
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