Multinational Companies to Hire Refugees

B1 – Intermediate

Wars and political problems have increased in many countries. This puts many people in danger. Due to this, they try to find a way to escape their country and they go to another where it is safer. 

To start a new life in a new country, refugees need a job. The good news is that big companies such as Adidas, Amazon, Pepsi, and Starbucks have promised to give refugees jobs.

Read the article about some multinational companies’ promise to give jobs to refugees.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Define “homeland”here, “Many people are fleeing wars or feel unsafe in their homeland.” Use this word in your own sentence.
  2. What does “refugee” mean, “Multinational companies will give jobs to 250,000 refugees.”? Use this word in your own sentence.
  3. What does ”diversity” mean, “It said refugees would add diversity and make the company stronger.”? Use this word in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do refugees leave their country?
  2. What is your opinion on multinational companies hiring refugees?
  3. What are other ways to help refugees?
  4. Do you agree or disagree that “refugees would add diversity to its workforce and would make the company stronger.”?
  5. Share your opinion on this, “Diversity brings creativity and different points of view.”.
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4 replies on “Multinational Companies to Hire Refugees”

Vocabulary Questions:

1.Define “homeland”here, “Many people are fleeing wars or feel unsafe in their homeland.” Use this word in your own sentence.

Homeland means the region or country in which a person was born and has grown up.

Sentence –> Many people from underdeveloped countries leave their homeland looking for a better future

2.What does “refugee” mean, “Multinational companies will give jobs to 250,000 refugees.”? Use this word in your own sentence.

Refugee means a person who has left his or her own country due to difficulties and goes to another country with better conditions and opportunities where he or she want to restart his or her life.

Sentence –> It is very hard to be a refugee, because you have to leave your country with no belongings and no choice in many cases, and you also have to adapt to a new country, language, culture and so on.

3.What does ”diversity” mean, “It said refugees would add diversity and make the company stronger.”? Use this word in your own sentence.

Diversity means plurality. People that comes from another country, from a different culture has different ways of thinking and approaching to the same problem.

Sentence –> I believe that traveling is a good way to get to know the diversity of cultures and people that exits around the world and open your mind.

Discussion Questions:

1.Why do refugees leave their country?

I think that refugees leave their country to protect their own life. This happens because their country is involved in a war (internal or with another country) or also because their country is a really unsafe place for living even without a war, like women in muslim countries.

2.What is your opinion on multinational companies hiring refugees?

I consider that this is a good initiative from multinational companies for helping people with a hard situation and a really good way to use their power and worlwide scope.

3.What are other ways to help refugees?

I consider that there are lot of ways for helping refugees. First of all, they arrive to a new country with no belongings, so the first initiative could be to have temporary accommodation facilities in the countries of arrival. Another way of helping refugees, that its essential for their integration, is to teach them the language and culture of the new country, so they can find a job, study and so on.

Another good initiative could be to create support groups, where they could share their traumatic experiences running away from a war and help each other to overcome these experiences.

4.Do you agree or disagree that “refugees would add diversity to its workforce and would make the company stronger.”?

I agree with this statement, since I consider that people that has had a different education, culture and environment will have different ways of thinking and approaching to the same problem which in many cases could be very helpful for the company.

5.Share your opinion on this, “Diversity brings creativity and different points of view.”.

I fully agree with this statement as I stated in the previous question. This diversity provides different points of view which in many cases will help to find better or at least different solutions for similar issues.

You did a great job writing your responses to this lesson’s discussion questions.

Take a look at how this sentence can be revised using a more accurate word choice and better word order:

I believe that traveling is a good way to get to know the diversity of cultures and people that exits around the world and open your mind.

I believe that traveling is a good way to open your mind and to get to know the diversity of cultures and people that exist around the world and open your mind.

Keep up the good job!

Why do refugees leave their country?
Refugee leaves their country because the war, famine, dictatorship came to their country and they need to go out

What is your opinion on multinational companies hiring refugees?
I think that is a good decision of this companies, because help refugees having a new work and is an example to other companies to take similar decision
What are other ways to help refugees?
The main action we can do for help refugees is bring the same rights as people of the country they go
Do you agree or disagree that “refugees would add diversity to its workforce and would make the company stronger.”?
I agree, because refugees are from other countries, and have different cultures and different ways of thinking
Share your opinion on this, “Diversity brings creativity and different points of view.”.
I agree with these sentence, diversity is share the differences of humans and share this differences for stay all together with respect

It is good to see you continue improving your skills. Continue practicing more to develop them further.

Here is a sentence you can write a bit better:

I agree with these sentence, diversity is share the differences of humans and share this differences for stay all together with respect

I agree with this. sentence, Diversity is sharing the differences between each other and share this differences for to stay all together with respect for one another.

Keep writing.

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