Autumn Heat in Europe

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As the calendar flips to autumn, Europe has been wrapped by a surprising and unthinkable phenomenon. Temperatures remain unusually warm, breaking records across the continent. From the sun-soaked vineyards of France to the packed streets of Germany the persistent heatwaves challenge the normal image of a European September. This unwavering autumn heatwave serves as an urgent warning that our world’s climate continues to evolve in unpredictable ways, necessitating a vigilant eye on the changes that shape our planet.

Click on the link to learn more about the extraordinary weather patterns that has caused this unforeseen extension of summer and the possible effects it may have on both the environment and the population.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “a great many” mean, “”A great many” monthly records had been broken across the country during an “exceptional” month, Météo-France said, with the temperature average higher than in July and August, and heatwave alerts issued in September for the first time.”? Give 2 synonyms and use ‘a great many’ in your own sentence.
  2. What does “pre-industrial levels” mean in the sentence, “Scientists say climate change driven by human activity is pushing global temperatures higher, with the world at around 1.2C of warming above pre-industrial levels.”? Use this in your own sentence.
  3. What does “to be modelled by something” mean in the sentence, “We’re seeing them in spring and September, even October, as modelled by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC).”? Use this in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What role does climate change play in the occurrence of this record-breaking September heatwave? Give me more insights.
  2. How has this long autumn heatwave affected you and/or your country?
  3. What possible effects could this extended heatwave have on the agriculture and natural ecosystems in the affected areas?
  4. How are European authorities and organizations addressing the potential impacts of this extended heatwave on public health and safety?
  5. Share your thoughts on this statement, “Scientists say climate change driven by human activity is pushing global temperatures higher.“.
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