Argentina Has a New President

B1 – Intermediate

Change is in the air as Argentina welcomes a new president to lead the nation. The inauguration ceremony signals not just a transfer of power but also the start of a different chapter in Argentina’s story. People are curious about what this change might bring—how it will affect their lives and the country’s path.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about Argentina’s new president.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the expression “to ride a wave of something mean, “Milei, riding a wave of voter anger, pledged economic shock therapy, including shutting the central bank, ditching the peso, and slashing spending.” Use it in sentence.
  2. What does the word “ditch mean, “Milei, riding a wave of voter anger, pledged economic shock therapy, including shutting the central bank, ditching the peso, and slashing spending.” Use it in sentence.
  3. What does “economic malaise mean? “Despite concerns about his volatile character and radical plans, Milei aims to address the economic malaise that has plagued the country.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How might Milei’s plans to spend less affect the lives of the people in Argentina?
  2. What challenges does a new president might face in solving the country’s existing problems?
  3. How might a new president impact a country’s domestic and international affairs?
  4. What qualities do you think are important for a country leader?
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