Autonomous Drone Navigation

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Advances in artificial intelligence are revolutionizing autonomous drone navigation. New algorithms and machine learning techniques are enhancing drones’ ability to navigate complex environments.

Read the article to know why this is more efficient and reliable for tasks ranging from delivery services to environmental monitoring​.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does light detection and ranging or lidar” mean? “In recent years, advancements in visual sensor technology like light detection and ranging, or lidar, and thermal imaging have allowed drones to perform limited advanced-level tasks such as object detection and visual recognition.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. Define “deep learning” and “machine learning”. “When combined with the team’s algorithms — powered by deep learning and machine learning, a subset of AI — drones could assist in developing 3D or 4D advanced imagery for mapping and monitoring applications.” Use these terms in sentences.
  3. What does “line of sight” mean? “Currently, someone must manually fly a drone and have a high level of situational awareness to keep it clear of obstacles in its surroundings, like buildings, trees, mountains, bridges, signs or other prominent structures, while staying within the drone pilot’s line of sight.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What new techniques are being used to enhance the navigation capabilities of autonomous drones?
  2. How might these advancements in AI improve the efficiency of drone delivery services?
  3. In what ways could environmental monitoring benefit from improved autonomous drone navigation?
  4. What challenges do autonomous drones face in navigating complex environments, and how are these being addressed by recent AI developments?
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