Concerns Over the Future of Community Pharmacies

B2 – Upper Intermediate 

Community pharmacies are an important stop that many make in every town and city. However, some concerns have been raised about the possible disappearance of community pharmacies lately. Part of the reason is because more patients are now choosing to get their medicines online.

Read the article to know more about some of the concerns over what the future holds for community pharmacies in the UK.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “the heartbeat of something” mean? “We are the heartbeat of the community when it comes to healthcare because we are easily accessible to people.” Use the phrase in your own sentence.
  2. What does “the first port of call” mean? “Ifesi Anyamene runs Godstone Pharmacy, and said it is the “first port of call” for many in the village.” Use this idiom in a sentence.
  3. What does “family-run business” mean? “Ms Anyamene said many independent pharmacies were family-run businesses and “not about profit”.” Use this phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. “The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) previously warned of 10 closures a week and said more than 1,400 pharmacies had closed in England in the last 10 years.” What is your reaction to and your thoughts on this?
  2. Is it really possible for a family-run pharmacies to be “not about the money”? Share your insights.
  3. In your country, there similar concerns about the problems community pharmacies are currently facing? Share about it.
  4. What do you know about the community pharmacies in your country?
  5. Is it alright for the government to squeeze community pharmacies’ fundings? Express your opinion about this.
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