UK Doctors to Treat Eco-Anxiety

B1 – Intermediate 

In the recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people affected by ecological anxiety or eco-anxiety. This is a relatively new medical condition. A person suffers from it when all the extreme weather and climate changes and other environmental issues make them feel nervous or anxious.

Perhaps it is time to start acknowledging that this condition is real and affects many people. Medical experts need to be prepared to offer help to people with this condition. 

In the UK, if you go for a health consultation related to eco-anxiety, the doctor could give you a medical diagnosis, some advice on what to do to reduce your negative impact on the environment, and some tips on how to manage eco-anxiety.

Read the article about how doctors in the UK have been advised to start treating eco-anxiety patients.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “hidden in plain sight” mean? “The United Nations has described eco-anxiety as an emergency crisis hidden in plain sight.” Use the phrase in your own sentence.
  2. What does “to raise a topic” mean? “Doctors in the UK have been advised to raise the topic of climate change during consultations with patients.” Use the expression in a sentence.
  3. What does “distressed” mean? “A UN survey found that 59 per cent of young people in a study were distressed about the climate.” Give one (1) synonym or similar expression and use ‘distressed’ in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. In your opinion, who suffers more from climate anxiety? Is it young or older people? Explain your idea.
  2. How can we help people who have eco-anxiety?
  3. What is an extreme weather event that you are scared of? Why?
  4. Should eco-anxiety given more attention by the health ministry of every country now? Share your opinion.
  5. Should your government focus on this problem more now? Why or why not?
  6. What other health problems do you think your government should focus on? Talk about the disease or condition and why is it not given so much attention by the government?
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