Climate Change Anxiety

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Surprising events like tornadoes, flash floods, earthquakes, and etc. are occurring in different parts of the world. It will make us think that the world we live in is dying and it’s quite distressful just to think what the future would be like for the next generation.

Watch the video and learn more about the rise of climate change anxiety.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever felt a sense of distress because of climate change? How do you normally cope with it?
  2. Do you think this type of anxiety could be channeled into action? Explain.
  3. Do you think this generation cares about what is going on around us or the climate change? Elaborate.
  4. What could we do to aid and save our planet?
  5. Has climate change moved you to action? What have you done to contribute to easing our problems with climate change?

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2 replies on “Climate Change Anxiety”

1.Have you ever felt a sense of distress because of climate change? How do you normally cope with it?
Yes, sometimes when I think about it I feel a slight anxiety but I always want to think that people is going to work together to improve our planet.
2.Do you think this type of anxiety could be channeled into action? Explain.
Yes, I think that if a lot of people feel the same way they can change the perspective of others and that way more people can take care of the enviroment.
3.Do you think this generation cares about what is going on around us or the climate change? Elaborate.
In my opinion people is starting to realise the real conditions of our planet and science is doing a great effort by researching for information as well as making solucions so I think this generation cares more about climate change than the last ones.
4.What could we do to aid and save our planet?
Basic things like recycling, reusing, stop contaminating the oceans with plastics. And we can create laws to protect the fauna and flora of the enviroment as well as using renovable energy to help preservate the ecosystem.
5.Has climate change moved you to action? What have you done to contribute to easing our problems with climate change?
In school we study the problems of climate change and they teach us ways to help reduce it so we have some knowledge that can be useful. For example I try not to waste water or energy and I also try to use less plastic in order to help reduce pollution. In addition I move in public transpor because that way we reduce air pollution.

It’s great that you are trying to put in loads of efforts in writing your answers to this lesson’s discussion questions. Keep it going!

Please take note on how you can express this thought better:

In my opinion people is starting to realise the real conditions of our planet and science is doing a great effort by researching for information as well as making solucions so I think this generation cares more about climate change than the last ones.

In my opinion, people are starting to realise the real conditions of our planet and we are doing a great effort in science by researching for information as well as finding solutions to our environmental problems. So, I think this generation worry more about climate change than the previous ones.

Thank you and keep writing!

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