Climate Change Will Crush Real Estate Values

C1 – Advanced

Key players in the real estate industry are spending huge amount of resources into estimating climate risk and its possible consequences on property portfolios. This process might cost investors large amounts of money if they aren’t prepared. But for those who are, there’s a big chance to profit more.

Read the article to find out more about climate risk and its probable effect on property investments.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think properties are good investment? Why or why not?
  2. How much damage do you think natural disasters have affected residential and commercial real estate in your country in the past years? Cite some incidents.
  3. Explain what this statement means, “This process will be painful for investors who are caught off guard, but those who are prepared have the potential to outperform”.
  4. How do real estate investment companies in your country gauge climate change risks? What mitigation strategies have they developed?

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2 replies on “Climate Change Will Crush Real Estate Values”

1. I am against investing in residential properties (houses, flats…), because for me the reason that many people couldn’t afford to buy a house is because of “investments”. I don’t know if investing other kind of properties would be a good investment, I suppose it depends on the location and the property.
2. The most recent incident is the volcano in La Palma island, which destroyed thousands of properties. But overall, I think that not many disasters happens in Spain.
3. Means that investors that have high-risk properties without knowing will find that their properties value will decrease over time, contrary to what will happened with low-risk properties.
4. I don’t know, I am not informed. I supposed that companies here look for “dangeous” places which are near rivers o the coast.

Good job writing your answers.

Here is a sentence you can improve a little bit more:

Means that investors that have high-risk properties without knowing will find that their properties value will decrease over time, contrary to what will happened with low-risk properties.

This means that investors that have high-risk properties without knowing will find that their properties’ value will decrease over time, contrary to what will happen to low-risk properties.

Keep writing!

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