Why Brands Matter to Consumers

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Brands go way beyond just a logo or graphic element. They are a way for companies to communicate with their customers in a simple way – to reach customers looking for what they are aiming to provide.  However, do brands really matter? How does a customer perceive them?

Read the article and be able to discuss the questions that follow:


Discussion Questions:

  1. Which among the reasons in the article do you agree/disagree with?
  2. Are you brand-conscious?
  3. In your own opinion, are brands important? Why or why not?
  4. Are all branded products really better?



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4 replies on “Why Brands Matter to Consumers”

In my opinion, the main reason to pay extra money for a particular brand is point number 4. Specifically, for high-priced items, I agree to pay a little more if I believe the quality/safety is higher. Talking about the more disagree point is about numbre 6 I think it does not define who we are.

I am a little brand-conscious, both with clothes and with electronic items like mobile phones, computers, TVs, etc.

I think brands are important i mean every company decide the quality and the material which the stuff are made so one brand mybe is better that another one. But I have to recognice that sometimes the quality between two brands are the same and the famous brand has double price.

Certainly, not all brands are good, and not all brands are much more expensive than others.

It is great that you have shown interest in practicing your writing skills by doing this exercise. Keep it up!

Take a look at this sentence and see how it can be improved further:

I think brands are important i mean every company decide the quality and the material which the stuff are made so one brand mybe is better that another one.

I think brands are important. I mean, every company decides the quality and the materials from which their products are made of, so one brand can really be better than the other.

To more entries from you!

1.- In my opinion all the reasons are valid. But i think that the number 5 is the most important one.
2.- In General I do not consider myself brand-conscious. Destpite this of course I have bought some tech gadgets for their brand.
3.- Well brands are important for some objetcs but for not for every shop.

Good job answering our questions on this lesson. Keep sharing and elaborating on your thoughts on your other lesson topics!

Here is a little improvement you can make on this sentence:

In my opinion all the reasons are valid. But i think that the number 5 is the most important one.

In my opinion, all the reasons are valid. However, I think that the fifth point is the most important one.

Be sure to also express why you think it is the most important point so you can elaborate on your answer.

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