Private Tutoring Ban

B2 – Upper Intermediate

At present, South Korea’s private tuition industry is growing. In 2006, its education ministry imposed curfew on private education’s operating hours. Long before that, they used to ban private tutoring completely until almost two decades later when South Korea’s constitutional court ruled that it is unconstitutional.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on South Korea’s ban on private tutoring?
  2. Can you really put a price on education? Explain your point.
  3. How can educational opportunities be possibly equalized for everybody?
  4. What are your thoughts on private tutoring?
  5. Is private tutoring common in your country? Did you use to attend after-school classes? Why or why not?
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2 replies on “Private Tutoring Ban”

What is your opinion on South Korea’s ban on private tutoring?
If I read correctly, it’s all about protecting poor students from feeling bad because their some of their colleages can afford private education. I think that’s not the best approach to solve the problem, if children
need better education is because of the poor quality of their educational teaching and, therefore, causing families to try different means to provide the best education for their children. Instead of banning private education, the government should improve better education for all.

Can you really put a price on education? Explain your point.
I would say that education public must be free and mandatory for everyone. But in this case, it seems that everyone needs better education, which implies high demand for private education, causing higher prices that couldn’t be affordable for most students.

How can educational opportunities be possibly equalized for everybody?
As stated in the article, South Korea tried to equalize education quality below, not above the standard and this is a critical error. If you want to avoid poor families making more sacrifices just to give their children
higher education, it should be provided by default from the State, not from the families themselves.

What are your thoughts on private tutoring?
They can be an excellent complement to a good educational system, like the icing on a cake. Also could be a reinforcement to those that would need it. It shouldn’t be banned because sometimes students need more than common education to improve their skills.

Is private tutoring common in your country? Did you use to attend after-school classes? Why or why not?
Indeed, it’s really usual to see paper ads attached to walls promoting tutoring for math,english or other subjects. I used to have extra english classes back then because I was a terrible student, I feel that
somehow helped me to retain successfully my english skills.

You did well in writing your thoughts down. Thank you very much for being very expressive in sharing your answers with us.

Here is just a slightly better way to express a phrase in this sentence:

Instead of banning private education, the government should improve better education for all.

Instead of banning private education, the government should strive to improve the quality of education for all.

Keep up the great job!

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