Being Vain Is a Good Thing

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Vanity is a part of what makes us human. From dressing up elegantly to behaving well above standards, we strive to live up to expectations in order to be perceived in a certain way. It has always been viewed negatively. However, some philosophers think that there can be no morality and no society without vanity.

Let’s watch the video and know the different perspectives on the presence of vanity in our society.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to sneer at someone” mean? “We sneer at people who think of themselves too highly.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “praise-worthiness” mean? “We want not only praise but praise-worthiness. Use it in your own sentence and give two synonyms.
  3. What does the idiom “to be in a Hall of Mirrors” mean? “Rousseau thought that vanity leads us to care about status more than morality. It makes us worry about the mask and not the face beneath. His vanity leaves us all living in a Hall of Mirrors.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you define vanity?
  2. How does vanity allow the society to function?
  3. Discuss two types of self-love mentioned in the video.
  4. When is it beneficial to be living only in the opinion of others? When is it harmful?
  5. How is vanity considered one of the modern vices? Do you agree with it?
  6. Share your thoughts on Jean Jacques Rousseau’s belief that, “We only really became modern humans when we became vain.“?
  7. What are your insights on this, “Vanity is the source of our sociability and morality.“?
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