Big Tech Jobs Have Lost Their Glamour

B2 – Upper Intermediate 

For some time, holding a much coveted a job in Big Tech companies was the envy of everyone. The industry was once even dubbed as “the pinnacle of employment” being renowned for their model work cultures.

Cut to 2025, with increasing layoffs and cutbacks, employees who once strived to land a job in these tech giants do not bear the same enthusiasm as before.

Read this article about how working for Big Tech is losing its once shining star with layoffs and perk cuts here and there.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to test one’s mettle” mean? “Initially, the move went well. Michael says he got to work on high-impact features, testing his mettle against senior developers.” Use this idiom in a sentence.
  2. What does the phrase “to come out strong out the gate” mean? “After coming too strong out the gate in 2021, tech companies had to suddenly pull back their recruitment.” Use this expression in a sentence.
  3. What is does “the place to be” mean? “I was wowed by the office – it made it feel as though tech was the place to be. It was its fast-paced and innovative nature that stood out most to me: as though I could be part of something new.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use this phrase in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is causing tech slowdown and industry-wide layoffs?
  2. What is your opinion about the decline of Big Tech jobs glamour? Do people have the same sentiments in your country? Explain.
  3. Share your thoughts on how “employees who once clamoured to work for Big Tech companies are changing their tunes as layoffs proliferate and perks are cut”.
  4. If you worked in this industry, what do you think your next move would be and why?
  5. How has the growth of the tech industry in your country been affected by the pandemic? And how is it doing at the moment? 
  6. Share your point of view on this statement, “The glory days [of jobs in the tech sector] will be back: a couple of years post-economic downturn and it’ll be back to 2021.”.
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