Cold Water Immersion Therapy

B1 – Intermediate

Cold water has a significant impact on the human body, influencing circulation, metabolism, and muscle recovery. When exposed to cold water, the body reacts by constricting blood vessels to conserve heat, increasing heart rate, and boosting alertness.

Cold water immersion therapy, also known as cold therapy or ice bathing, is a technique used by athletes and wellness enthusiasts to reduce muscle soreness, inflammation, and stress. It is believed to enhance recovery, improve circulation, and even strengthen the immune system. However, prolonged or extreme exposure to cold water can be risky, potentially leading to hypothermia or shock.

Is cold water immersion therapy truly effective, or is it just a wellness trend?

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “dip” mean in this sentence? “Recent research suggests taking a dip in very cold water for several hours a week is good for our health. ” Write 3 synonyms of the word and make 1 sentence for each.
  2. What is the meaning of “well-being“? “They found it could have positive effects on our cognition, sleep quality, and overall well-being.” Make 2 sentences using the word.
  3. What does “energy-snapping” mean? “For many decades, ice baths have helped to speed the recovery of athletes following intense, energy-sapping performances. ” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you know about cold water immersion therapy, and have you ever tried it?
  2. What do you think about the idea of using cold water for recovery or health benefits?
  3. What other therapies, aside from ice water immersion, are commonly used in your country to treat muscle soreness?
  4. What are some negatives to using cold water therapy?

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