Online Piracy

B1 – Intermediate

Because of Covid-19 restrictions, a lot of people stay at home. One thing you can do in your house is watching movies and series. Normally, you need to pay for subscription to Netflix, Amazon Prime, or HBO to be able to watch.

But what do you do if don’t want to pay to watch movies and series? Some people go to online piracy sites. These are websites where you can download or stream films and TV shows illegally but for free. This action is a big problem for the entertainment businesses.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about online piracy.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is online piracy and how does it affect companies like Netflix and Disney? What are its effects on the entertainment industry?
  2. What is your opinion about online piracy?
  3. How common or big is this problem in your country?
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7 replies on “Online Piracy”

1. What is online piracy and how does it affect companies like Netflix and Disney? What are its effects on the entertainment industry?
-Online piracy is the way that too many people take to watch movies or series for free, it’s illegal but anyone who has access to internet, can get it. For the industry is a very bad monster because they can’t earn the enough money to keep creating more content in their platforms and less content makes less customers, so this is infinity problem until their disappearance or until they can reach a safety solution for the problem.

2.What is your opinion about online piracy?
In my opinion, the piracy should be deleted but in the Intertet is very complicated. A lot of people is working in the opposite direction to get any information from the “customers” in ther pirate pages. This part is the most dangerous for the people at home because normally they don’t take any measure to avoid the risks created for the creators of these pages.

3.How common or big is this problem in your country?
In my country is very common because the most of the people have access to the Internet. In the past was normaly see some sellers walking the streets while selling false disks of music, DVDs and more. Now everyone can watch a move premiere from its own home.

1. What is online piracy and how does it affect companies like Netflix and Disney? What are its effects on the entertainment industry?
Online piracy is an illegal activity done by some people that get or distribute music, movies, through the internet.
Companies as Disney+ and Netflix are affected by this activity because the number of subscriber could be reduced , because them can access to see the same films without pay for a film or music offered by this companies.
2. What is your opinion about online piracy?
I don´t agree with this activity, I think it is necessary to respect the intellectual property and the rights of the companies.
3. How common or big is this problem in your country?
I think that the practice mor common in my country is to share the access code to the Netflix platform or others, more than online piracy.

You are putting in a lot of work in developing your writing skills. Keep at it!

Here is a better way to express this sentence:

I think that the practice mor common in my country is to share the access code to the Netflix platform or others, more than online piracy.

I think that more than online piracy, the more common practice in my country is to share access on Netflix or other similar platforms,.

Enjoy your writing practice!

1. Online piracy is the unauthorized use or reproduction of someone’s work or steal its.
For the company that create the content his main problem is the loss of profits, this losses can be translate in losses of user subscriptions and future investments if the product that they have created does not reach the minimun results to be profitable.
2. In my opinion, piracy exists because not everyone has the resources to pay for everything and also not everyone one wants to be a subscriber for some service if they don’t know the quality is your liking. Not all the content is available in all countries and the lack of options lead the people to use piracy to be able to consume the content ex. Anime.
Last reason people don’t want to pay.
3. I know that is still alive, dont know how big problem is now. But back in the early 20’s it was a huge problem with MegaUpload world wide and in case here in Spain the problem was focused on a web site called SeriesYonkis, was so big that the admins of the web site were sued and went to a trial and at the end the web site was closed.
But as keep existing PirateBay and other sites like that i thing piracy is still alive and will be for long time if all every new or old plattaform that launch a new serie and explote to became mainstream, there is always be people that have the resources to be able to pay his subscrition and pay it and others than not for diferents reasons.

We are pleased to have you hear on the the Phoneenglish blog! Hope this platform helps you practice and improve your writing skills.

Please see how you can improve this sentence:

I know that is still alive, dont know how big problem is now.

I know that it still exists, but I don’t know how big the problem is now.

You did very well on your first entry. Until the next one then!

1 Online piracy is a kind of theft related to getting access to movies o songs for free by downloading or streaming illegally them from online pirate sites. It affects companies like Disney or Netflix because some people prefer online piracy sites because they get movies and series for free instead of paying a fee in order to have access to them in their apps.
The effects of online piracy on entertainment companies involve losing potential clients and therefore benefits.
2 From my point of view, online piracy is a normal thing although I believe that sites like Netflix or HBO, due to the low price of their fees, are fighting it successfully. An increasing number of people choose to pay for their contents because the price is affordable and the variety of movies and series is worth it.
3 It’s a big problem in Spain, but I believe, as a I said before, that it has decreased a lot since companies like Spotify or Netflix are available.

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on this topic. You did an excellent job here.

This one just needs a minor revision in your word order:

Online piracy is a kind of theft related to getting access to movies o songs for free by downloading or streaming illegally them from online pirate sites.
Online piracy is a kind of theft related to getting access to movies and songs for free by illegally downloading or streaming them from online pirate sites.

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