What is the Metaverse?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Recently, a brand new concept in technology has emerged known as the “Metaverse”. Many believe it to be the next big thing in technology and business.

But what exactly is the “Metaverse”?

To learn more about it, watch this video.

Discussion Questions:

  1. In your opinion, will the “Metaverse” be the next big trend that a lot people would invest in? Why or why not?
  2. What do you think makes Metaverse interesting?
  3. What concerns could we have over it?
  4. Is Facebook making a good decision by switching from a social media platform to a “Metaverse”? Explain your stance.
  5. Do you believe that socializing with people in these “Metaverses” is better than socializing in real life? Share your thoughts on this.
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