The Buy Nothing Project

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Buy Nothing is a nonprofit organization that not only helps people save money but also reduce the clutter in their homes. This idea is based on gift-giving. The members of this group barter or offer their old stuff as a gift. The main payment for getting this free stuff is saying “Thank you” a a sign of appreciation.

Watch the video and read the transcript to know more about it and be able to discuss the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of this organization? Is there a similar group like this in your community?
  2. What are the pros and and cons of this type of organization?
  3. Would you like to be a member of this organization? Why or why not?
  4. What do you usually do with your old stuff or other things that you don’t need anymore?
  5. How long can you go without buying anything? Why is that?
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2 replies on “The Buy Nothing Project”

What do you think of this organization? Is there a similar group like this in your community?
I think that every organization that helps people for free and tries to give things a second life is most welcome in every community. However, I haven’t heard of such organization like this one.

What are the pros and cons of this type of organization?
I guess the best pros have to do with the fact that they’re helping other people and they give a second life to things that could be seen as waste to others. Also, it helps the circular economy. Regarding the cons, the only one that I can think of at first is that you cannot expect the latest clothing, but it’s just ok.

Would you like to be a member of this organization? Why or why not?
I’m currently a member of a few non-profit organizations, but I support them with some money, not by giving them some of my time or material resources. I guess I can trust these organizations so they can spend this money on whichever things or projects they may consider.

What do you usually do with your old stuff or other things that you don’t need anymore?
The last time that I did something similar was during my first move, there were several objects and clothing that I donated to the same hospital that my parents gave my childhood toys.

How long can you go without buying anything? Why is that?
I don’t consider myself to be wasteful or stingy, I only buy stuff that I really need with the exception of a few whims.

You’ve written very good answers.

Here is just one sentence you can still improve a bit:

I guess I can trust these organizations so they can spend this money on whichever things or projects they may consider.

I guess I can trust these organizations to spend this money on whichever things or projects they might consider crucial.

Just keep writing to practice more and more.

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