Passion Exploitation

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Most likely, you have heard that once you have found the job you are most passionate about, “you will never have to work a day in your life”. But what if your passion for what you do gives people you work with the idea that they can take advantage of you?

Read the article about passion exploitation.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about this being practiced/done by some in certain industries?
  2. Talk about an instance when you were asked to work more, on unrelated tasks, or for free. How did that make you feel?
  3. What is the best way to refuse paying the “passion tax”?
  4. What is the best thing to say to someone who is trying to exploit you at work?
  5. Do you think passion exploitation is more likely to happen if you work in particular industries? Explain your stand.
  6. Why do you think workers in artistic and creative industries are more susceptible to this kind of exploitation?
  7. How can some exploitative actions of managers be prevented?
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2 replies on “Passion Exploitation”

1. It is completely unfair
2. In my experience, no boss told me to work more of for free. But day a day work drove me to work more because I have not enough time to do my work properly of busy season
3. A switch. Another job
4. To tell it as it sound and leave the job
5. No, all industries may do it. “This job is a master for you”, as simple as this.
6.No. But they have the advantage of flying away and being their own boss
7. I thinks it is very difficult to regulate these actions. No rule can avoid them.

Welcome to the Phoneenglish blog. We appreciate your efforts in writing your answers to this lesson’s discussion questions.

See how the sentence below can be improved a bit:

In my experience, no boss told me to work more of for free.

In my experience, none of my former bosses has ever told me to work more of for free.

Here’s to more entries from you in the future!

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