Unpunished Crimes at UK Royal Palaces

B1 – Intermediate

There are a lot of Royal Palaces in United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace is the most well-known and visited of all the royal residences since it is located in the heart of the capital.

A shocking news has been revealed that even though the London’s royal palaces has the highest of security measures, there were still plenty of crimes that were committed in these palaces and loads of those culprits were not unpunished.

As of today, Elizabeth II is the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Next to the throne would be Charles, Prince of Wales.

Let’s read the article below to learn more about how many crimes committed at the Royal Palaces have been left unpunished.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What kind of crimes happened in UK Royal Palaces?
  2. Why did these crimes happen there even though these places are supposed to have the highest security measures in London?
  3. Why are majority of those people who committed the crime left unpunished?
  4. Are there some reports of any crime near or at the Royal Palace of Madrid or any Royal Palace in Spain? Name some.
  5. What are the usual crimes in Spain and how are they punished? Are most of the guilty people punished?
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