The Hidden Meaning Behind Dress Codes

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Dress codes are implemented in many places, may it be at school, in the office, or in a swimming pool. These guidelines serve to mold the social atmosphere and uphold standards of attire. However, it prompts the question, “Why do we concern ourselves with what anyone chooses to wear?”.

Read this article to learn about the hidden meaning behind dress codes.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to size someone/something up” mean? “In reality, within seconds, all of us size someone up based on their appearance and determine what level of respect they should receive based on that finding.” Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. Define “boom” in this context. “Participants who opted for formal business attire reported feeling more powerful and experienced a boom of “enhanced abstract thinking.” Use this in a sentence.
  3. What does “to ruffle someone’s feather” mean? “His recent look, deemed too casual by senators from both parties and “inappropriate” by fashion critics on Reddit, ruffled some feathers.” Make a sentence with this idiom.

Discussion Questions:

  1. In your opinion, do dress codes contribute to a more organized and structured society or do they stifle personal expression and creativity?
  2. Why do dress codes matter so much and why should we care? Share your insights.
  3. Share your views on this, “In reality, within seconds, all of us size someone up based on their appearance and determine what level of respect they should receive based on that finding.“.
  4. Do you agree or disagree to this, “Dress codes in the business world essentially function as signals of power.”? Explain your thoughts.
  5. What is your personal fashion style and how does it reflect your individuality and self-expression?
  6. Have you ever felt restricted or uncomfortable due to a dress code or clothing expectation in a specific environment? Share about that experience.
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