Boomerang CEOs

B2 – Upper Intermediate 

Several chief executive officers or CEOs of some of the biggest companies have stepped down from their position. In some cases, they come back or get reinstated after a while.

Is this move advantageous for the company that they work for though? Could it really be that ‘second time’s the charm’ for these CEOs?

Watch the video and find out more about the boomerang CEOs.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “boomerang CEO” mean? “We looked at over 6,000 CEO succession or turnovers. There are less than 200 of them that were boomerang CEOs.” Use this term in a sentence.
  2. What does “product line” mean? “Steve Jobs innovated. He came out with all these new products and recreated the company with new product lines.” Use this term in a sentence
  3. What does “to bring the magic back” mean? “When Howard Schultz came back that first time, he brought some of that magic back.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use this idiom in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the general trend among boomerang CEOs when they come back?
  2. What is your opinion about the boomerang CEO trend?
  3. What can boomerang CEOs do in order to ensure success upon their comeback?
  4. Talk about a boomerang CEO from your country. Why did they have to step down before and what are some of the things they did upon returning to their position? Was it a good thing for the company in the end? Elaborate.
  5. Share your thoughts on this, “Founders just have this huge attachment that other people do not to the companies that they started and created. And so there is this protectiveness.”.
  6. Share your insights on the ‘founder CEO’s shelf life’ and that “For most people, there’s going to be a time where it outgrows your skill set in terms of your ability to manage it. Be willing to let go of your ‘baby’ and to step down when the time is right.
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