More Education Is Not Always Better

B2 – Upper Intermediate

It has been demonstrated that education has the greatest impact on one’s economic success. Does this imply that increased education has more positive economic effects, taking into account the numerous factors brought about by technological development that influences the skill set needed by the economy.

Watch the video below to learn more why more education is not always necessarily better.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Define “skilled migration“. “Finding the right balance is going to be hard, especially as new technologies are constantly changing the skill sets that are demanded by the economy and that’s before considering variables like skilled migration, which can add or subtract skills to the labor market very quickly.” Please create your own sentence using the phrase.
  2. What does “too much of a good thing” mean? “Are our modern economies becoming overeducated and if they are, what are the consequences of having too much of a good thing?” Use this expression in a sentence.
  3. What is the meaning of “egalitarian“? “In some highly egalitarian countries, education is paid for by the government.”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree that more education isn’t always better? Why or why not?
  2. What are the consequences of an overeducated population?
  3. Should we slow down the trend of people becoming more and more overeducated? Share your thoughts on this.
  4. Do you believe that the “Labor Theory of Value” is a perfect way of measuring value? Explain.
  5. What is the importance of subjective value?
  6. Talk about the balance of research and labor in your country.

Why Socrates Hated Democracy

C1 – Advanced

Not a single type of government fits all. Let us get to know about the failures and loopholes of democracy according to Socrates.

Discussion Questions:

1. In your opinion, is the video opinion-based or factual?

2. What are your thoughts about voting being vested to educated people only?

3. What are your opinions on democracy?

The Worst Things about Working at Google

C1 – Advanced

I bet a lot of, if not all, people perceive working at Google as THE dream job. On the contrary, according to some people who have worked in this tech giant, sometimes, it’s not all “rainbows and ponies”.

Click on the link to read more on Googlers’ least favorite things about being employed at Google.

Discussion Questions:

1. Talk about some complaints Googlers have about working at Google.
2. What are your thoughts on these confessions?
3. What’s the best and worst thing about working in your company?
4. What comes to your mind when you hear “Google”?
5. What are important things you look for in a company you will work for?

What If You Never Learned Anything?

C1 – Advanced

Critical period is a period during someone’s development in which a particular skill or characteristic is believed to be most readily acquired. What if we passed the critical period without learning a language? Can we not teach an old dog new tricks? Watch the video and find out.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is it important to learn a lot of things during the critical period?

2. What skills did you learn during your critical period? What skills did you learn passed the critical period?

3. What is something you have always wanted to learn but never got the chance to do so?

4. What did you first learn from your parents?

5. As a parent (future parent), how would you guide your child in his/her critical period?

6. Would you allow your child to be a human subject in a scientific research?