Make Your Happy Hour

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Happiness- the quality or state of being happy. We each have our own definition of happiness depending on situations we are in.

Read the article below and know more about the pursuit of happiness.

Discussion Questions:

1. What makes you happy?
2. What are the components of happiness?
3. Will you consider happiness as a luxury item?

How to Detect Lies

B2 – Upper intermediate

Lies are part of human nature. Cliché, but true. It can be inevitable in some instances especially when you have personal reasons. How would you detect if someone is lying to you? Watch this interesting video.

Click on CC on the video to watch the clip with subtitles.


1. How about you? How can you tell when your colleagues or friends are being dishonest to you?
2. Were there times when you told a lie to impress someone? Or maybe lied to avoid hurting someone’s feelings?
3. Share some of your funny experiences about lying.

Gender Stereotyping

B2 – Upper intermediate

People usually have preconceived ideas of men’s or women’s characteristics, traits, habits or roles in general.  Have you ever wondered what causes gender stereotypes and how it all started? Watch this video to see our history.


1. Can you name a few stereotypes of men and women?
2. Have you been a victim of a stereotype?
3. Do you witness gender discrimination in your workplace?

PepsiCo CEO Indra K. Nooyi Women Can’t Have It All

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Being a women and a CEO of one of the world’s top companies might not be a walk in the park for anybody. But we’ve watch a lot of boss ladies successfully conquer both family and work life.

Watch the interview of Indra K. Nooyi and why she said, “Women can’t have it all.”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How would you react to your mother if you were Indra?
  2. Do you agree or disagree that women can’t have it all? Explain.
  3. If you are/were a working parent, what do you think would be your coping mechanisms in being a good parent and at the same time, the best employee/boss at your company?
  4. Share your thoughts on this statement, “The biological clock and the career clock are in total conflict with each other.

Spanish Spending Habits

B2 – Upper intermediate

According to a global study carried out by consultancy firm, Nielsen, 86% of the Spanish claim to have changed their buying habits over the last year in order to save on household expenses.

This percentage is “well above the European average,” which is currently at 65%. The study noted that 18% of the Spanish have no money left at the end of the month after covering their basic needs. Among those who have some money left, 41% is spent on leisure activities/entertainment outside of the home, 37% on savings, 29% on clothes, 25% on holidays, 24% on paying off debts or loans and only 6% is dedicated to pension plans or investments.

The report highlighted that 85% of those questioned believe that now is not a “good time” to buy things they do not want or need. Nielsen pointed out that this “negative” view over buying, is the view held by the majority throughout Europe.

The actions the Spanish are taking in order to save are to spend less on entertainment outside the home (69%); spend less on gas or electricity bills (65%); reduce spending on telephones/communications (58%), buy fewer clothes (56%) and take less holidays (51%).
The consultant noted that a “large part” of those interviewed said that they will maintain these cost-cutting measures even when the economic situation improves, “especially when it comes to reducing their spending on bills.”

Spanish among the most pessimistic
The consumer confidence index in Spain fell four points during the third quarter, reaching 48, “which puts it at the bottom of all the countries of the world.” The European average is currently 74 points, whereas the world average is 92.

El Economista reported that 96% of Spanish consumers believe the country is in recession, and 82% do not foresee an improvement in the next twelve months.

Discussion Questions:

1. What brought about the changes in the Spanish’s spending habit?
2. What do you think about the Spanish spending habit?

3. What is your spending habit like?
4. What changes have you done in your spending habits over the years?


Time Management to Improve Health and Productivity

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Keeping up in today’s fast-paced world can be a daunting task to many. Take control of your life by enhancing your time management skills. Learn valuable tips from an expert through this article.

Discussion Questions:

1. Describe your time management skills at work and at home.
2. How do you deal with distractions?
3. Share your own approach in getting things done.

Gaming Technology in Surgical Training

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Following Facebook’s recent acquisition of Oculus VR – a next generation virtual reality technology – gaming enthusiasts are expressing hostility towards it. Discover how gaming technology could be used in surgical training and find out why the gaming industry is being antagonistic about it.

Feel free to watch the videos included in the article.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts about this news?
  2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using such technology?
  3. What other technologies has drastically helped the medical industry?

Older People Are Better Off than the Young

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We normally see older people better off than the young ones. That might be acceptable given that they have spent decades working their tails off. However, some believe this is not fair. That

Read the article to learn why, in the present time, it seems that the older generation is richer than the younger ones.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is it only fair that older people have more money than young ones? Explain your stand.
  2. What are the possible implications of elderly people having better lives through their retirement years?
  3. Have you thought of retirement? How do you imagine your later-years would be like?
  4. What preparations are you doing for your twilight years?
  5. How secure is the older generation in your country when it comes to pension and state benefits?
  6. What are your thoughts on saving for the future?