A Great Place to Live, A Terrible Place to Work?

C1 – Advanced

Working longer days compared to neighboring European counterparts isn’t exactly the best way to boost productivity and reduce work-related stress among Spanish workers.

Discover why Spain is the best place to live in, but the contrary as a place to work.

Spain – A great place to live, a terrible place to work?


1. Do you agree or disagree that Spain is a great place to live but a terrible place to work or invest in?
2. What are your thoughts on Spain’s image of the land of the siesta?
3. How can work practices be improved in your country?

Video: What Do You Think of America?

C1 – Advanced

What’s the first thing that enters your mind when you hear the word “USA”? Click on the title below to find out what some people think of North America.

This video is meant to practice your listening skills. Feel free to watch it more than once.

London, Singapore and Delhi tell the BBC what they think of the US


1. After watching the video, recall the things that the people said after being asked about the United States.
2. Do you agree with any of the opinions shared? Do you disagree?
3. What do you think makes America great? Not so great?
4. Have you been to the US? What can you say about their culture?

Burning Off A Burger


C1 – Advanced

Is losing weight something that you’ve been working on? It always is , for most people. There are now hundreds of ways and “tricks” that people can follow to lose weight. But is staying in the gym for half the day the key to losing weight? Or can simple, mundane activities do the trick?

Click on the title below to know roughly how much exercise you need depending on the food you eat.

How Far Do You have to Run to Burn Off A Burger?


1. Based on the article, explain the correlation of food and exercise.
2. What was your reaction after seeing some of the representations in the article? Do you agree with them?
3. Where do you find yourself in terms of over all health and wellness?
4. What foods are you willing to ignore for the sake of health? What foods are you fond of?

Fraud Case Batters Image of Monarchy

C1 – Advanced

In 2014, allegations against Spain’s Princess Cristina held serious implications for the reputation and future of the monarchy.

Watch the video then read the article. Be prepared to express your thoughts and share some updates.

Spanish fraud case batters image of monarchy


1. Do you think these cases will have real implications for the future of the royal family in Spain?
2. How should the justice system treat the monarchy in cases as such?
3. Do you think Spain is better off without the monarchy?

Video: Korea’s Next Generation Shunning Marriage

C1 – Advanced

South Korea is traditionally conservative when it comes to marriage. If a woman is still unmarried by the age of 24, she is judged by other people. However, present-day Korean women now marry later or not at all.

Watch the video below and find out the reasons why the younger generation is shunning marriage.

South Korea’s next generation is shunning marriage


1. What are your thoughts on extravagant single woman bridal shoot?
2. What are the social stigma in your country about single women?
3. What are the reasons younger people shun marriage?
4. Is it possible to be single and happy?

The Second Lives of Swiss bunkers


C1 – Advanced

Bunkers, especially from war, will always give you an eerie and strange feeling. In Switzerland, however, some people were actually able to utilize them as way of profit.

Click on the title below to look at the photos and read the article on how some Swiss bunkers were brought back to life. Be ready to discuss some words and expressions.

The fascinating second lives of Swiss bunkers (one is a mushroom farm)


1. What do you think of re-using old bunkers like the Swiss did?
2. Would you stay at a hotel like Hotel Zero?
3. Have you ever been to a place which was an important part of history?
4. Describe some of the strange places that you have visited in the past.

Kids To Start Doing Chores

C1 – Advanced

Some parents are so occupied with letting their kids do activities that will help them be successful individuals in the future. Who would have thought that those expensive personality development courses can be outweighed by doing household chores when it comes to predicting success?

Science Has Figured Out The Best Age For Kids To Start Doing Chores

1. Do you agree with the idea presented in this article?
2. What other activities can help develop a child’s personality and character?
3. How do you think doing household chores as a child helped you in life?

The Struggle to Stay Child-Free


C1 – Advanced

In many countries, it seems like having a child or children is the most important thing. Some women spoke up about the hardships that they encountered upon deciding not to have children and are telling the world about it.

The struggle to stay child-free


1. In your old age would you want your children to look after you?
2. Is having children the norm in your country?
3. In other countries, like Iran, educated women see having children as a burden. What is your reaction to this?

Facebook boss to take paternity leave

C1 – Advanced

Parental leaves are enjoyed by employees to help take care of their children. In recent years, companies have recognized the importance of a father’s role during the first few weeks of a newborn. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg took two months of paternity leave following the birth of his daughter. What does this mean for the rest of the working fathers out there?

Facebook boss to take paternity leave 


1. What do you think of the idea of paternity leave?
2. What do you think about what you read?
3. What kind of message is Mark Zuckerberg sending?
4. Do fathers in your country take advantages of their paternity leaves?

Video: Challenging Crossings

C1 – Advanced

This video shows a very colorful representation of traffic in Vietnam.

Click below and be ready to practice your speaking skills by answering discussion questions and by expressing your thoughts.

Challenging Crossings


1. Describe the traffic in Vietnam.
2. What were some of the interesting points that you found in the video?
3. Is this something that you have seen before in your past travels?
4. Describe some of the challenges that you encounter when you travel to a different country.