Ikigai: The Secret to a Long and Happy Life

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Research shows that not knowing why you get up in the morning can greatly affect your wellbeing.

Could finding one’s reason for being have something to do with longevity?

Read more about the secret to a long and happy life from the article below.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on the Japanese concept of ‘Ikigai’?
  2. For you, what are the most important values you try to uphold?
  3. What are some things you like to do? What are the things that you are really good at?
  4. What are other secrets to living a long life do you know of?
  5. What might be the good and bad thing about living a short and long life?
  6. Would you prefer a short but full life or a long but almost mundane one?

Are You an Introvert?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There are social situations where introverts are being frowned upon. The world seems to prefer people who are always the life and soul of the party who can talk and conduct themselves within groups with ease. It seems that introverts are at a disadvantage here. But how well do we really understand introversion to form a valid opinion about it?

Watch the video below and you might see introverted people in a new light.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can you say about the quote attributed to Susan Cain, which states “Don’t think of introversion as something that needs to be cured”?
  2. According to the presenter, difference is what makes us powerful, effective, and needed. Why do you think this is?
  3. Do you consider yourself to be introverted? If not, do you know someone who is? What qualities make you or this person an introvert?
  4. How does Susan Cain differentiate introversion from shyness?
  5. What is the biggest mistake an introvert can make?

Are Women More Attractive in Heels?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

It is a common fact that many women do not like to wear high heels as they are uncomfortable and can cause negative health effects on the body. Arguably though, wearing high heels can make you look stylish and more confident.

Nevertheless, does the type of shoes impact on the way women are perceived?

In this social experiment video, we get to answer the question whether women in heels look more attractive to men than those in flats.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree or disagree with the conclusion of the experiment? What factors do you think act on and lead to the results of the experiment?
  2. Do you think women are more attractive in heels?
  3. What do you find attractive in a person?
  4. How important is clothing in a person’s attractiveness?
  5. Talk about the type of shoes you are most comfortable wearing.

An Inside Look At Doomsday Bunker Homes

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Many of the world’s elite have reserved and designed their own secret shelters to house their families and staff. These shelters are equipped with protection against everything from bombs to bio-hazards. Many companies around the world are meeting the growing demand for these structures to protect them from any risks while also giving them luxurious amenities.

Watch the video and be able to answer the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of these luxurious doomsday bunker homes?
  2. Do you believe in the Apocalypse? How do you feel about it? How would you prepare for it?
  3. If you were one of the elites, would you purchase your own doomsday bunker? How would you want it to be?

Man Claims Apple Turned Him Gay

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A Russian man has filed a lawsuit against Apple for ‘moral harm’ claiming that an iPhone app had turned him gay. According to news, he blamed Apple for pushing him towards homosexuality through manipulation and that the change has caused him moral and mental harm.

It may sound frivolous, but how can an app possibly turn a ‘straight’ man gay? Read below.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of the man’s claim?
  2. How is homosexuality viewed in your country?
  3. In your opinion, what are the factors in the formation of homosexuality?
  4. If you were Apple, how would you respond to this issue?

The Life of a Child Star

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Fame can either make or break individuals. So what if fame comes way too early in life? This could be a struggle of a child celebrity on how to cope with the limelight and tackle the adolescent dilemmas at the same time. The constant harassment of the media, parties, wanting a photograph or an autograph, the pressure to stand out are just some of the dark side to it. Would they go down the pit or successfully be able to make a way back to normal life?

Click the link below to know some reasons why child stars go off the deep end.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of a young kid becoming a child star?
  2. If your son/daughter wanted to be a celebrity, would you allow them?
  3. Why do most former child stars hit rock bottom eventually?
  4. What should be done to protect child celebrities from being abused/exploited?
  5. Talk about some famous child stars that you know of.

Psychic Predictions

C1 – Advanced

According to research, psychic power has no relation to education, IQ or selective memory but is rather related to lack of analytical skills. Although science claims there is no evidence that such a power exists, a reasonable number of people still believe in it. It is not surprising though since there were a few psychics in the past that gave accurate predictions.

Let’s watch the video and learn more about these predictions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the psychic predictions mentioned in the video?
  2. Do you believe in psychic power? Why or why not?
  3. Can this power be helpful or abusive to those who believe in it?

Embracing their Physical Imperfections on Social Media

B2- Upper Intermediate

An Instagram influencer from Russia has asked people to post photos of themselves not wearing any make-up. She believes in the idea of body positivity and is trying to spread it in Russia.

Men and women have found themselves battling identity issues due to the unrealistic beauty standards set by what they see on social media. It is used to promote ourselves, tons of celebrities, influencers, models and brands, also use it to sell themselves by creating an image of perfection. What exactly is the perfect beauty? How do we even define beautiful?

Read the article about how a young Russian Instagram influencer is advocating to push back against the pressure to display physical perfection on social media.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on flaunting physical perfection on social media?
  2. How does social media impact one’s self -image?
  3. Should we be comfortable to bare our physical imperfections? Why or why not?
  4. Do you think our personalities are more important than how we look?
  5. How can we further promote body positivity?

A Culture of Rivalry

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Rivalry as defined by the Cambridge dictionary as a serious and often continuing competition has been evident in and been affecting many events such as sports and music. Even world leaders have their own slice of rivalry. Arguments and speculations of who wins and who loses in a match seems to be deeply ingrained in our cultures.

Please take time in reading about this topic further. To access the link, right click on the image, then “open in new tab”.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Does rivalry capture your attention?
  2. Do you have your own favorite type of rivalry? Is it in sports? In pop culture? Explain why?
  3. Is rivalry ever healthy?
  4. Are there qualities that make a good rivalry?
  5. Talk about your thoughts on winning and losing.
  6. Have you ever had a rival? Share your experience.

Photos Ended Child Labor in the US

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The Industrial Revolution had led to a need for workers and in the pursuit of cheap labor, many companies hired children. This, in turn, had put them in dangerous conditions for long hours and low pay. As the outcry against this practice grew, the National Child Labor Committee hired Lewis Wickes Hine to travel the country and photograph and interview child laborers. His images are powerful, and his careful documentary work gave them more context and helped spur the passage of legislation.

Check out the video below on his outstanding work and be able to answer the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do feel about what’s discussed in the video?
  2. What are your thoughts on how Hine carefully shot his photos to shine a light on the problem in child labor?
  3. What do you think of Child Labor? Do you think it still exists today?
  4. Do you like taking pictures? What is your purpose in taking them?
  5. What do you think is the importance of photography in our life? How powerful is it?