Why Billionaires Wake Up at 4:00 AM

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Before the advent of technology, “early to bed, early to rise” was a way of life. The daily grind followed the dictates of the sun with humans faithfully listening to the body’s natural rhythms of wakefulness and sleep.

Times have changed though. Unusual working hours, smartphone addiction, social media, and the fear of missing out have all contributed to the devaluation of sleep and its being relegated to the wee hours.

But is this wise? Watch the video below before planning your next all-nighter.

Discussion Questions:

  1. According to the video, why do many successful people choose to wake up at four in the morning?
  2. What steps can you take to effectively cultivate the habit of early wakefulness?
  3. If getting up early is so beneficial, why do most people find it difficult to do?
  4. What is generally your mood when you first wake up? Does this set the tone for the rest of your day?
  5. What are the benefits of keeping a sleep schedule more in tune with natural sleep cycles?
  6. What keeps you from getting quality sleep?
  7. Why would knowing your life’s purpose provide you with the impetus for rising early?
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