You Wake Up Earlier As You Get Older

B2 – Upper Intermediate

People get up earlier than they did when they were more youthful as they get older. This is a typical occurrence that has been documented in numerous studies. While it may seem counterintuitive that older people would require further sleep, there are an array of causes for this.

Educate yourself on the topic of age-related sleep changes and discover practical strategies for maintaining healthy sleep habits as you age by reading the full text below.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to wake up before the sun” mean in the sentence, “There are many jokes that center around older adults waking up before the sun, and even more about teenagers’ late-sleeping habits.”? Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “few extra hours of Zzzs” mean in the sentence, “We asked Lustig and other experts to break down the main reasons why this occurs, and what you can do to push back if you just want those few extra hours of Zzzs.”? Use this phrase in your own sentence.
  3. What does “nightcap” mean in the sentence, “Lustig added you should avoid alcohol before bed — “while that nightcap might make you sleepy, it actually disrupts the quality of your sleep.””? Give 2 synonyms for this word and use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do older adults tend to experience changes in their circadian rhythms?
  2. How does advanced sleep phase syndrome contribute to earlier wake-up times in older adults?
  3. Can medication or other therapies help older adults manage sleep disturbances and wake up at a more desirable time? Tell me more.
  4. Can changes in hormone levels impact sleep patterns as people age? If so, how?
  5. What are the long-term consequences of poor sleep hygiene in older adults, and how can these be avoided? Please share.
  6. How can older adults maintain a healthy sleep routine as they age?
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2 replies on “You Wake Up Earlier As You Get Older”

Vocabulary Questions:

1. What does “to wake up before the sun” mean in the sentence, “There are many jokes that center around older adults waking up before the sun, and even more about teenagers’ late-sleeping habits.”? Use it in a sentence.
It means to wake up early in the morning, before the sun rises. “I have to wake up before the sun when I have morning shift”.

2. What does “few extra hours of Zzzs” mean in the sentence, “We asked Lustig and other experts to break down the main reasons why this occurs, and what you can do to push back if you just want those few extra hours of Zzzs.”? Use this phrase in your own sentence.
It means extra hours of quality and deep sleep. “I always set the alarm clock for five more minutes to catch a few extra hours of Zzzs”.

3. What does “nightcap” mean in the sentence, “Lustig added you should avoid alcohol before bed — “while that nightcap might make you sleepy, it actually disrupts the quality of your sleep.””? Give 2 synonyms for this word and use it in a sentence.
A nightcap is an alcoholic or hot drink taken just before going to bed.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why do older adults tend to experience changes in their circadian rhythms?
Because of the sunlight they perceive and the brain getting older. Bad eyesight could also cause that they perceive less sunlight and thus their brain segregates earlier the sleep hormone.

2. How does advanced sleep phase syndrome contribute to earlier wake-up times in older adults?
They have lost the time sense and thus they feel sleepy earlier and go to bed earlier and thus, they can wake up earlier in the morning full recovered.

3. Can medication or other therapies help older adults manage sleep disturbances and wake up at a more desirable time? Tell me more.
People with cataracts are affected by a sleep disorder, so having surgery could help them. They can also be exposed to light at night like TV or a tablet and somehow lie to the brain so that it believes that it is still daylight and delays the secretion of hormones.

4. Can changes in hormone levels impact sleep patterns as people age? If so, how?
I think it can impact it as the brain and the nerves both ages too. Sleep pattern is mainly controlled by melatonin, the sleep hormone. As we age we produce less melatonin, and thus it can impact our sleep pattern.

5. What are the long-term consequences of poor sleep hygiene in older adults, and how can these be avoided? Please share.
They may feel more tired and have less energy for daily tasks. Their cicardian clock usually is different from younger people and maybe it could be difficult to share time together or activities.

6. How can older adults maintain a healthy sleep routine as they age?
They can take care of their diet by maintaining a healthy one. They can also exercise everyday, even if it is just walking. They can also consider their exposure to light and watch TV or any other screen to delay the secretion to melatonin.

You are doing a good job with your writing practice.

Take a look at how you can write this sentence a bit better:

Bad eyesight could also cause that they perceive less sunlight and thus their brain segregates earlier the sleep hormone.

Poor eyesight due to old age could also cause them to perceive less light. Thus, their bodies release the sleep hormone earlier as if it were already sunset.

Job well done!

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