Living on the Most Crowded Island on Earth

B2 – Upper intermediate

Santa Cruz del Islote is a tiny island off the coast of Colombia. It is home to 1,200 people and is considered the most densely populated island on the planet.

Check out the video to learn more about this unusual place.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Would you like to live on an island like this? Why or why not?
  2. What are the pros and cons of living in a densely populated and isolated area?
  3. Have you ever thought of island living? Is it something that you would like to do?

Things Successful People Do Every Friday Afternoon

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A lot of (working) people would agree that Friday is the best day of a workweek. And why not? It serves as the welcome wagon to the weekend.

We have different habits, plans, and practices on a Friday afternoon. Some are fun and dynamic, while some are easy-breezy and laid-back. But, how do successful people spend theirs? Let’s find out.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you usually end your workweek?
  2. What do you normally do on Friday afternoons?
  3. Do you agree that we should adhere to our routines to be more successful?
  4. How do your bosses and colleagues contribute to you having a perfect end-of-shift Friday?

A Conversation about Life

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As one saying goes, “Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable”… Or, is it?

Watch the video below of a very young boy and an old man, who are 57 years apart as they talk about life and their experiences.

Discussion Questions:

1. What’s the worst thing about being young? What do you fear about being old?

2. Do you wish you were young/er, or old/er? Why?

3. How do you view falling in love at your age now?

4. What advice would you give your younger self? What would you ask your older self?

5. What is the most important thing in your life now?

Miss Universe’s First Transgender Contestant

B2 – Upper Intermediate

On June 29, Angela Ponce of Seville made history as she was crowned Miss Universe-Spain. She is the first ever transgender candidate in the prestigious pageant’s 60-year history. Although this is seen as a groundbreaking achievement for the LBGTQ community, many people on social media are divided in their opinions about allowing a former male to take part in an event associated with natural-born women.

Take a look at the article and find out more.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Should a transgender woman be allowed to compete in Miss Universe? What is your opinion?
  2. Why is this a controversial subject? How can this affect society in general?
  3. Are beauty contests popular in your country? What can you say about beauty pageants?

Thailand Cave Rescue

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Last 23rd of June, a group of boys and their football coach went missing while exploring a cave in the north of Thailand. Fortunately, they were all found alive by British volunteer divers, 9 days later.

Watch and read about the youths’ harrowing experience and the massive and daring rescue mission that was organized to find them.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the article and video all about? Who should be held responsible in this situation?
  2. Exploring a cave, especially a big and deep one, can be very dangerous. Is it something that you would like to try? Why or why not?
  3. If you were trapped inside a cave, what would you do in order to survive?

Things That Are Keeping You From Living Your Best Life

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Do you ever feel that life is just passing by and you’re getting older by the second? I bet many of us have felt like this once in a while.

Here’s an article that will tell you how to live your life to the fullest.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How was your life like when you were 25? Is there anything you wished you would have done then?
  2. Which point from the article are you guilty of doing and want to stop?
  3. How do you make sure you are living your life to the fullest?
  4. Do you feel your age? Why is that so?

Things That Should Never Be In Your Bedroom

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A full night’s sleep is basically important for health. In actuality, it is just as essential as eating healthy and exercising. However, there are factors that interfere with natural sleep patterns, and as a matter of fact, they are found just right inside our bedrooms.

View the gallery to know what’s not to keep there.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Describe what your room looks like. What are important things that you should have there and what are those that you keep out?
  2. What do you think your bedroom says about your personality?
  3. If you could give your room a makeover, what would you put and remove from it?

The Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Have you ever thought of owning a dog but unsure of the best breed to get especially because you live in an apartment with limited space? Does the size of your home determine the right canine companion to have?

Watch the video and read the transcript to find out more about the dog breeds that are most suitable for apartment living.

Discussion Questions:

  1. According to the video, what are the best breeds for apartment living? Do you agree?
  2. Do you like dogs? Why or why not?
  3. What kind of animal do you prefer as pet?
  4. Do you think owning a dog in an apartment is a good idea? Why or why not?
  5. In what ways are dogs helpful to humans?
  6. What are your thoughts on spending too much money on dogs or pets in general?

Men Are Chatterboxes Too

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Nothing has been more enduring than the stereotype of women as chatterboxes, gabbing about everything and anything at any time, all the time. However, some reports conclude that men are chatterboxes too depending on the context of the conversation.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Who speaks more, men or women? Most people wouldn’t hesitate to say that women speak more. There are many jokes about how much, and what, women talk about. But research which some may find surprising indicates that both men and women speak more or less equally.

Four hundred university students in the United States and Mexico participated in the study. Researchers recorded the students’ daily conversations for several days. After analyzing the data, they discovered that both sexes are in a statistical dead heat when it comes to speaking. Women used a little more than 16,000 words every day. Men used a little less than 16,000 words. The report admits, though, that the numbers could change as men and women grow older, because the study only tracked university students.

The current idea that women are chatterboxes just isn’t true. In addition, men only speak when they have something important to say also isn’t true. Both ideas probably come from cultural and political discrimination against women. But the study explains that men gossip just as much as women. Men and women also talk equally about unimportant topics. But women actually talk more about relationships.

A psychologist at Yale University has a somewhat different opinion. She suggests that the idea about men and women probably come from arguments between the genders. Unfortunately, the study doesn’t know how speaking patterns change in an argument. But other studies have supported the stereotype that guys become quiet and women talk more in an emotional conflict.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with the stereotype that women talk more?
  2. In a private conversation with close friends or family members, who talks more? How about in a business setting?
  3. Which topics/issues could men be more interested in that would entice them to speak more?

Spain Honors ‘Skateboarding Hero’

B2 – Upper Intermediate

For the past few years, terror attacks have been happening around the globe. When accidents happen most of us would run far away from it and save our dear life from danger. One Spanish skateboarder courageously faced the adversary and lost his life saving others. That’s why the Spanish government recognized him as a hero.

Read more about Ignacio Echeverría’s act of heroism from the article below.

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think about Echeverría’s death?
2. Do you think he deserves to be honored as a hero? Why?
3. In your opinion, what makes someone a hero?
4. If you witness a crime in front of you, what would you likely do?
5. Do you think it’s dangerous to live in London? Do you feel safe living in Spain?