What’s in a Name?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In many countries, women take their husbands’ last name when they get married. Is this the case in your country?

Click on the link to check if this tradition still holds true to most countries and how people feel about changing their last names:


Discussion Questions:
1. Do women take their husband’s surname when they get married in your country?
2. Would you change your last name or would you expect your partner to change his/hers?
3. Do you think it’s fair that children usually take their father’s family name?
4. Have you ever thought about changing your name?
5. What could be good reasons for a name change?

A Guide to Breakups

C1 – Advanced

Almost all of us has experienced loss. Especially during the teenage years, when young men and women start crushing on someone and have their first take on a relationship.

Read the article below to know about Julia’s dating experience and her suggestion of ending affairs.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What did you think of Julia’s heartbreaking story?
  2. What can you say about her suggestions when it comes to ending a relationship?
  3. Share any bad experiences when it comes to dating.