Companies Churn Through Young Workers

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Many employers, according to researchers, particularly recruit competent degree holders seeking to pursue their aspirations, almost always marketable, sometimes ‘picture – perfect’ career choices. This can be advantageous in certain situations for these employees who are trying to find their way into their desired field. However, because companies know that career opportunities are always in high demand, young professionals can get buried in low-paying, demanding jobs. These circumstances can leave early-career employees holding out hope to establish themselves susceptible to exhaustion or discontentment at the beginning of their careers.

Read the article about how companies churn through young workers and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “ to grind out ” mean here, “Of course, young employees are often expected to grind out the early years of their careers by showing ambition, persistence and resilience in the workplace – in some sense, ‘paying their dues’.”? Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. What does “ churn ” mean here, “There was just a steady churn of young, impressionable workers and nothing was ever done about it – it just became a test of who had the thickest skin.”? Use this word in a sentence.
  3. What does it mean “to have the thickest skin“?

Discussion Questions:

  1. What factors contribute to employees feeling valued and appreciated in the workplace?
  2. How do companies in your country make employees feel valued?
  3. What are the advantage and disadvantage of hiring fresh graduates?
  4. How are new graduates treated in your workplace? Please share.
  5. How was it like for your when you were starting out your career?
  6. What advice can you give to a young employee?

Metaverse to Affect the Future of Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Technology has come a long way compared to when it was first invented, and it keeps improving and making our lives easier and more convenient with every passing year. In recent years, a concept in technology called “the metaverse” became popular and is said to be people’s future workspace.

Read the article to learn how metaverse could change the future of work.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “onboarding” mean? Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “overlay” mean? Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “galvanize” mean? Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of the metaverse?
  2. What is your opinion on the metaverse workplace?
  3. Do you think there are more advantages to it than disadvantages? Explain your point.
  4. How can the metaverse workplace be beneficial to employees and businesses alike?

Factors Driving High Employee Engagement

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Employee engagement shows how enthusiastic and dedicated your staff feels toward what they do. It is an essential factor to a company’s success as it is connected to how satisfied and high the team morale is. Some advantages to having engaged employees are better performance and increased productivity.

Read the article about factors that drive employee engagement.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of the word “engagement” in this context, “Teams with higher engagement are less likely to leave their organization.“? Use it in a sentence.
  2. Explain the phrase “record high” in the sentence, “Engagement levels reached a record high in 2019.”. Use it in a sentence.
  3. What is the meaning of the idiom “pie-in-the-sky“, “What would the world of work look like if organizations could double the percentage of engaged workers? This isn’t a pie-in-the-sky question — all evidence suggests it is possible.“? Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Talk about the factors that drive high employee engagement.
  2. How can companies retain high employee engagement? How does your company?
  3. Share your opinion on this, “Changes in employee engagement are best attributed to changes in how organizations develop employees.“.
  4. What are the impact of high engagement among employees?
  5. Personally, how do you keep the level of enthusiasm and dedication you feel toward your job high?

The Struggles of Workers with ADHD

B2 – Upper Intermediate

According to research, people with ADHD tend to be more inquisitive, innovative, revolutionary, and dynamic. They frequently think out-of-the-box , which can be greatly regarded and valued in the workplace.

However, ADHD sufferers encounter a variety of challenges at work. Interpersonal conflict, increased absenteeism, decreased productivity, high error rates, an unwillingness to adapt, and the lack of consistency are a few examples. These things could result in disciplinary measures, suspensions, layoffs, pay loss, and worst, dismissal.

Read the article about the struggles of workers with ADHD.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “tick up ” mean? Use this word in a sentence.
  2. What does “squirmy” mean in this sentence,” We started to laugh as I mentioned that I get a little squirmy when my boys catch frogs and salamanders.”? Use this word in a sentence.
  3. What does “wind up” mean here, “Epstein felt she “should be able to do what everyone else can do”, so she wound up “torturing” herself, balancing perfectionism with a feeling of being incapable of performing as expected.”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do people with ADHD struggle and survive at work?
  2. What kind of jobs suit people with ADHD? What do people with ADHD excel at?
  3. Should an applicant declare ADHD diagnosis on their job application? Explain your point.
  4. What are the benefits and drawbacks of disclosing an ADHD diagnosis at work?

Bosses Silently Nudge Out Workers

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We’ve all heard of “quiet quitting”, in which an employed person does the barest minimum in order to keep their job. And now there’s a great deal of discussion about “quiet firing” and it is currently making waves.

Is it, however, a new concept? Do you or someone you care about have this problem?

Read the article about how some bosses quietly nudge their employees out.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “ marginalize ” mean? Use this word in a sentence.
  2. What does “nudge out” mean in this sentence,” An employee subtly nudged out the door isn’t without legal recourse, either.”? Use this word in a sentence.
  3. What does “rejection” mean? Mention some alternative words for this one.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some common signs of quiet firing?
  2. Is quiet firing a constructive dismissal? Elaborate.
  3. How do you deal with unfair firing?
  4. How would you manage a boss who is not willing to bring the conversation of termination forward?
  5. Do you or someone you care about struggle with this issue? Share about it.

Man Wins after Being Fired for Not Being Fun

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There are employees who decide to have some good times to ease themselves from a long-day of working.

Most of them plan for team building activities or have after-work drinks.

However, what if an employee does not join in any of these activities? Is it right to fire him for being ‘boring’?

Read this article to know about this issue.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think that it was only right to fire Mr. T for being boring? Explain.
  2. Will you consider your co-worker as “boring” when he/she does not join in team building activities? Explain.
  3. What do you think of the team building activities in your company?
  4. What do you think about going out for drinks every week with co-workers? Is it a good idea?

Britain’s Four-Day Workweek Shows No Loss in Productivity

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Once the trial is over, Britons need not wait for Friday anymore. If employees start their work week on Monday, the last day of work is Thursday.

If it sounds interesting, read the full article below.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Give 2 synonyms of the word “expansive“, “More than 3,300 employees in Britain’s banking, marketing, health care, financial services, retail, hospitality, and other industries are participating in the trial, making it one of the most expansive studies to date. Use them in your own sentences.
  2. What does the expression “to give rise to” mean, “However, the rise of remote and hybrid labor due to the coronavirus epidemic gives rise to questions regarding other areas of employment.”? Use this expression in your own sentence.
  3. What does the phrase “to lag behind” mean, “That said, some critics express concern about increased expenses and decreased competitiveness, especially since many European businesses lag behind competitors in other countries.”? Use it in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does the article make you feel?
  2. In your opinion, is it necessary to work for five days? Why or why not?
  3. What is the relationship between productivity and shorter work week?
  4. Is the concept of a four-day work week suitable in your country? Explain your answer.
  5. If people will only work for four days, how can they better spend the remaining three days?

Cuddlers Help Babies

B1 – Intermediate

Cuddling has loads of benefits on people, including newborn babies. Cuddlers are very helpful in hospitals’ neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Newborn babies need to be taken care of and cuddled, but parents are not allowed to stay there 24/7. And the NICU staff could only do it so much.

So a hospital in Chicago, USA thought of having people to volunteer to cuddle babies in the NICU.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about the volunteer cuddler program at an American medical center.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about the volunteer cuddler program at an American medical center.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on the volunteer cuddler program?
  2. What are the benefits of cuddling a baby/a person?
  3. Would you like to be a volunteer cuddler? Why or why not?

The Workers Leaving Their Dream Jobs

B2 – Upper Intermediate

What are the familiar dream careers that your buddies tell you about when you were young? Probably, “I want to be a movie star!” or “I would like to become a doctor so that I can help other people! “

You frequently hear advice to be realistic and choose a profession that pays well from parents, relatives, and sometimes even from complete strangers. Some friends and accomplished individuals may on the other hand, advise you that following your passion is the secret to success.
Naturally, you will be confused and worried over whether you ought to pick a different profession that you have no interest in simply because it appears favorable for your future or follow your heart’s desire blindly with such little possibility of earning money from it. Having a career you’re enthusiastic about is wonderful! However, some employees are abandoning their dream jobs in constant search of security and stability.

Now the question is, how do you determine when it’s not worthwhile to follow a career you’re passionate about and when to take a different (financially wiser) path?

To learn more, check out the following article.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “omnipresent” mean, “These days, more than ever, the idea that happiness and success are linked to working in a ‘cool’ job – a role you’re passionate about in an interesting, envy-inducing workplace – is omnipresent.“? Use it in your own sentence.
  2. What does the expression “to put up with” mean, “Employees who love their job or really value their work are willing to put up with harsher conditions than others, such as non-standard working hours or low pay.“? Use it in your own sentence.
  3. In your own words, explain “passion trap“. “Now 31, free from hospitality, on a rapidly rising wage and finally well rested, Andrew’s keen to coach others out of the ‘passion trap’ he found himself in.” Use it in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What might be reasons people would quit their dream jobs?
  2. Would you walk away from a job that you are passionate about for stability and security? Why or why not?
  3. What job do you aspire to have and what are your absolute non-negotiables when it comes to work? Are there any jobs you would refuse to do, regardless of the pay? Why?
  4. What advice would you give someone who is in a job where they are feeling overworked, underappreciated, and underpaid?

Quiet Quitting

B1 – Intermediate

The workplace is a very competitive world. We are taught to do our very best in order to succeed. 

However, it seems times have changed. Workers only work to achieve the minimum of what they should be doing in their job while they are working to later just leave.

Read the article about the concept of quiet quitting and how it is becoming more common in the workplace.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are reasons workers are quiet quitting?
  2. Was there ever a time you had to quit quietly at work? Talk about this time.
  3. How to be a good employee?
  4. What is the proper way to quit work? 
  5. Talk about a time you ‘went the extra mile’ at work.
  6. How did the pandemic change the way you do or think about your job?