Turkey Allows Schools to Teach Kurdish

B2 – Upper intermediate

Minority groups all over the world are given their rights and privileges. But how far is a government willing to go to make them feel part of the society?

Read the article below and be ready to express your thoughts by answering the discussion questions.

Turkey allows schools to teach Kurdish


1. What is the importance of allowing Kurdish to be taught in schools in Turkey? How significant is it?
2. What are the different minority groups in your country?
3. Is your country fair in giving rights to citizens belonging to minority groups?

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5 replies on “Turkey Allows Schools to Teach Kurdish”

Allowing Kurdish to be taught in schools in Turkey is very important. It means that people with different cultures are capable of living together in peace, without fights, respecting each other, even if one culture is majority.

In my country are different minority groups, like basques, galicians, catalans and valencians.

My country is not entirely fair in giving rights to citizens belonging to minority groups. Minority groups have been fighting since dictatorship finished to recover their rights to speak, to study, to be attended by the public services…

Franco´s dictatorship prohibited all the minority languages in Spain for many years, and after that it´s difficult to recover, and to get to a normalized situation.

The politicians use this as an arm to obtain votes for one side or another, and that doesn´t help at all.

Languages are culture and should be protected and respetected and people should live with that enjoying diversity.

It’s good that you are staying consistent with your writing practice.

Take a look at a better way to write this sentence:

Franco´s dictatorship prohibited all the minority languages in Spain for many years, and after that it´s difficult to recover, and to get to a normalized situation.

Franco´s dictatorship prohibited all the minority languages in Spain for many years, and after that, it was difficult to recover, and to normalize their use again.

Keep at it!

1. I agree that kurds have the oportunity to learn kurdish in school. However, I don’t think its right to make the turkish governement to adapt their educational program to them. If they want to their children to live the Kurd experience, the children could live it and learn it at home, with their family. In my opinion, it is not the turkish government responsability. If you move and live in a new country, you have to adapt and be thankful. It is very signifcant, if you agree to this….what’s next?!!!

2. In Spain there are muslims from different parts of the world, southamericans, people from eastern europe, and many more.

3. Nowadays in Spain, the minorities have more rights than the local spanish people, and that is a huge problem. Spanish pay taxes and the minorities collect and many of them do not work ….but the funny thing is…the government doesn’t let them work!..If they could work, they could also pay taxes.

Good job putting in a lot of efforts in improving your writing skills.

Take a look at some corrections you can make in these sentences:

If they want to their children to live the Kurd experience, the children could live it and learn it at home, with their family. In my opinion, it is not the turkish government responsability.

If they want to their children to have the Kurdish experience, these kids can do so by learning it from their families in their own homes. In my opinion, it is not the Turkish government’s responsibility.

Happy writing!


I don’t know exactly the problem between the different parties in Turkey (and even less 10 years ago), but I think that if the languages aren’t related to terrorism or something similar, the goverment should give them the necessary importance, because all them (even minorities) compose the culture of a country.

In all countries we can find different and historical languages (and not officials) and we must preserve them, because they provide part of the richness of their culture. In my country there’s a wide mixture of cultures and minorities, with traditions and ways of thinking, and in general if they aren’t dangerous for the country and don’t promote a bad convivence between citizens, why don’t allow them?

Nowadays, I don’t know exactly if the goverment is banning or not this movements, but I think that here (as in other countries) they are more or less free to follow their beliefs.

Bye, bye!!

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