Are You a Saver or a Spender?

B2 – Upper intermediate

Are you the type of person who has a money app on his phone and keeps track of every expense? Or is it more common for you to go shopping impulsively?

Read the article below to find out what kind of person you are when it comes to money.

Are You a Saver or a Spender?


1. What did the article say about being a saver and being a spender?
2. After reading the article, where would you put yourself?
3. What are some of the things you mostly spend on?
4. What are some of the things that you are willing to save for? Or invest in?

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2 replies on “Are You a Saver or a Spender?”

I found the article really interesting and in fact I’m more on the saver side which is good. However, it’s important to remind ourselfs that we should use part of our income on things that makes us happy and reward our good job maybe with little gifts. The message of the article is clear and good… be prepared for future by saving some money but don’t forget to enjoy the moment and gift yourself!

We’d like to welcome you to the Phoneenglish blog! It’s good to see you use this platform to practice your writing.

Here is one sentence you can revise:

However, it’s important to remind ourselfs that we should use part of our income on things that makes us happy and reward our good job maybe with little gifts.

However, it’s important to remind ourselves to that we should use a part of our income on things that make us happy and reward ourselves for our achievements maybe with little gifts.

Keep going with this exercise in order to refine your writing even further.

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