Working Abroad

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Migrating to another country would be a breeze if we all spoke one language and had similar cultures. However, once you leave your home country, you start to realize that things are actually very different.

There are many differences among various cultures across the globe. Your ability and willingness to cope with these differences determine how your experience will be like living and working in a foreign country.

Watch the video below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:
1. Do you agree with the speaker that the best way to compete and succeed in today’s economy is to move to other countries?
2. What are the main reasons people move abroad?
3. What are some of the benefits of working in another country?
4. What do you think are the main challenges people face when working abroad?
5. When is the best time and What’s the ideal amount of time to work abroad? Why?

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4 replies on “Working Abroad”

1. Do you agree with the speaker that the best way to compete and succeed in today’s economy is to move to other countries?
I am agree in this point, because with the current globalized marked the money and the power are standed on a concret zones of the world, but ,I think, the important isn’t stay in a rich country,the point is stay on a inversion of a rich countries.
2. What are the main reasons people move abroad?
I think the main reason is to escape from the poverty and wars. On the other side, other uses it to increase the benefits of their personal economy.
3. What are some of the benefits of working in another country?
Mainly, know other cultures and languages, but the economic benefit depends on where and for who you work.
4. What do you think are the main challenges people face when working abroad?
I think the main challenges are stay far of family, friends, contacts and all your resources. Other important point is the racism and classim of the country that you chose.
5. When is the best time and What’s the ideal amount of time to work abroad? Why?
With the new tecnology and culture access I think the ideal time is 0 years 🙂 I prefeer travel with books, documentals, films or other methods than working on other country. Sincerally, working seems to me a boring method to travel to other countries.

Welcome to the Phoneenglish blog. Hope you benefit from practicing your writing through this exercise.

Take a look at how you can make this sentence better:

I am agree in this point, because with the current globalized marked the money and the power are standed on a concret zones of the world, but ,I think, the important isn’t stay in a rich country,the point is stay on a inversion of a rich countries.

I am agree with this point, because with the current global standards, the money and the power are placed on a pedestal, but ,I think, what’s important isn’t living in a rich country, but the point is to stay on a inversion of a invest in establishing a life in rich countries.

Revised version:

I agree with this point, because with the current global standards, money and power are placed on a pedestal, but I think what’s important isn’t living in a rich country, but the point is to invest in establishing a life in rich countries.

Looking forward to more entries from you.

1. I don’t know if it is the best, but it is a good way, for sure. It also depends on the field. For example, in computer engineering you don’t need to go abroad to succeed, you can also succeed by remotely working with people around the world.
2. Better salaries and career recognition. Also, it is common that you don’t find a job with a desired quality in your surroundings, so you have to look for it abroad.
3. You learn a lot about other cultures, visiting other countries and different parts of the world, which is interesting.
4. The main challenge is the sensation of not being in your comfort area, you are mostly living by yourself, usually far from your family and friends.
5. That depends on the person. It is a good time when you are single and do not have other kind of responsibilities like having children. The time is as long as you want or enjoy it, maybe forever.

Well done writing your responses to this lesson’s discussion questions.

Here is one sentence you can improve:

The main challenge is the sensation of not being in your comfort area, you are mostly living by yourself, usually far from your family and friends.

The main challenge is the feeling of not being in your comfort zone. You are mostly living by yourself, very far from your family and friends.

Hope to hear from you again soon!

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