Green Economy

B2 – Upper intermediate

Different industries in coal and oil mining and alike have been the back bone of our economy but unfortunately they leave a lot of contamination and cause environmental pollution.  Asia is one of the biggest and fastest growing continent in the world. There are hundreds of factories that are located there. Will it be possible to change from industrialization to a green economy?

The video below suggests how  they can have a “green economy” which is both sustainable for their development and environment.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is a Green Economy?
  2.  How does Green Economy differ from previous efforts to promote sustainability  –  what’s new?
  3. What are some of the concerns and tensions with the concept of a Green Economy?
  4. What are the challenges to a transition to a Green Economy, and what will make it possible?

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Discussion Questions:
1. What is a Green Economy?
The green economy is a new concept based on transforming the traditional concept of the economy with another concept of the economy based on a sustainable and social equity system. Where the environment acquires an important worth, and all the economic policies are based on protecting them. Promote green ideas; improve human beings and social equality, while significantly environmental risks and ecological scarcities are reducing.
The five guiding principles of the green economy are: public involvement, social dialogue, informed consent, and accountability are prioritized in civil life. The global status quo is transformed by the green economy on a universal scale.
2. How does Green Economy differ from previous efforts to promote sustainability – what’s new?
Well, what’s new? Mainly the green worth and the message are clear: live out poverty and work together to transform an unsustainable and inequitable system. A new economy is based on boosting development, reducing poverty, and providing a high quality of life.
In the new economy which is based on green worth, we can see; low carbon, resource efficient, and socially inclusive. We can see examples, such as many countries in Asia, which are already transitioning to this new paradigm. The experiences show us, to the right policies, knowledge, and skills can influence behavior and investments in green businesses and activities.
Simply put green growth, his smart development green takes part in different sectors of the economy as part of comprehension leads, promotes, investment, innovation, and job creation which sustain growth and provide new economic opportunities. Governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals, all have a role to fight and transform the traditional system into the new one.

3. What are some of the concerns and tensions with the concept of a Green Economy?
Always in life, when new theories, new ideas, or new paradigms want to transform the world, the society, or at least one part of them, or one specific area, exits controversies, concerns, or tensions.
In this specific case, with the concept of a Green Economy, there are scientists, specialized in the theme that pose some questions about the problems or disadvantages that this innovative and revolutionary system or paradigm could have in the future. It would be the following:
1. The green economy is apolitical: it ignores human rights and people who get involved
2. Poor infrastructure, which could lead to big problems for the system when it comes to sustaining its ideas, which are relatively only infrastructure systems.
3. High transport costs. The main ideas to transform transport areas are fantastic, but the problem would be the high costs of maintaining in the long term some of these ideas.
4. Limited investment in irrigation.
5. And pricing and marketing policies, that penalized farmers made the Green Revolution technologies too expensive or inappropriate for much of Africa.
4. What are the challenges to a transition to a Green Economy, and what will make it possible?
There are different challenges to a transition to a Green Economy, and what will make it possible?
As I said in the first answer, all is based on transforming the traditional ideas and traditional economic policies with new ones based on a Green Economy, which looks to protect the environmental system and maintain a sustainable and socially equal system.
In this framework, there are different challenges and opportunities to a transition to a Green Economy, which will make it possible, to translate this decision change into reality.
For example in forestry, where panting more trees sounds like a cliché, but in fact, we can work together to sustainable development. This equal system provides: store carbon, support biodiversity, regulate water flows and reduce soil erosion.
We need to take action now to protect forests:
– To restore degraded forests
– Stop illegal logging and forest clearance
– And promoting sustainable management of forests.
Another area is agriculture. Green growth is fundamental for; long-term food security and poverty reduction. Promoting the use of naturally system-resistant or tolerant plants and other environmentally friendly alternatives can help farmers.
– Improve incomes during driers.
– Investing and promoting organic products to increase green levels and promote eco-tourism
– Can create jobs and maintain ecosystem services such as crop pollination and water purification.
Another important factor to transform is energy. Do you know that energy-efficient buildings can reduce energy costs by up to 30% or more?
Policies that encourage energy efficiency and investments in clean energy can boost innovation, increase profits and then, hands security and support smart skills renewable energy projects, and help energy access to the poor.
The last area to transform is transport. Investment in green and affordable transport, can not only traffic congestion and reduce air pollution, but also help alleviate poverty.
Innovations such as; promoting high-speed rail and bus traffic transit, supporting fuel efficient and electric vehicles, improving pollution standards, new green transport options, and creating green jobs.

Your dedication and efforts in improving your writing skills are impressive. Way to go!

See how some of these sentences can be written a bit better:

Investment in green and affordable transport, can not only traffic congestion and reduce air pollution, but also help alleviate poverty.

Investment in green and affordable transport, can not only ease traffic congestion and reduce air pollution, but it can also help alleviate poverty.

Keep up the good job!

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