Secrets of Success

B2 – Upper Intermediate

What leads to success?  Richard St. John, a success expert who spent a lot of years researching about it, gives 8 principles to address this question.

Click on the link to find out:

Discussion Questions:

  1.  Name the secrets mentioned in the video.
  2.  How do you define success?
  3.  Can you think of any famous quotes about success or failure?

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4 replies on “Secrets of Success”

As mention in the video, the eight secrets of success are passion, focus, persist, work, good, push, an idea and serve. I organise the secrets in this sequence because I’m inclined to think that is the correct order to be successful.

First, passion. I prefer to use the term motivation. Motivation makes difficult task easier. When you are motivated the learning process is more efficient.

Second, focus. Before you establish a target, it is important select a goal which it could be reached out. For example, before doing a marathon, it makes sense trying to run 10 kilometers.

Third, persist. Once you have chosen an objective you shouldn’t give up until you get the selected target. That leads me to the fourth secret of success.

Fourth, work. From my point of view, I like to use the term commitment. People with strong commitment usually are hard workers.

Fifth, good. There is a famous quote that symplifies this concept: “Practise makes perfect”, so if you want to be good at something, you should practise, practise, practise…

Sixth, push. As the process of success is not easy, you sometime need a supporter, I mean, someone to help you in difficult times. In my case, my wife gives me some good advice.

Seven, an idea. Before stating a task, it would be good to take some time thinking what you have to do for reaching your goal, for instance, how earning money.

Eight, serve. If your idea serves to other people, it makes you to achieve your target.

As I have seen, defining success is not a easy task and it depends on subjective aspects. On one hand, some people consider having success. to have a lot of money or be famous. On the other hand, other people think that success is happiness or having a lovely family life. In my opinion, the less you need, the happier you are what doesn’t mean to be eager to succeed.

Your hard work and great efforts in writing these responsible is very commendable.

Please take a look at the following corrections:

As mentioned in the video
I’ve organized the secrets in this sequence because I’m inclined to think that this is the correct order to be successful.
Before you establish a target, it is important to select a goal

Thank you for always giving it your all!

I think that all secrets mentioned are related to hard-working:
If you fell passion for you work, or you enjoy serving people, you’ll spend a lot of hours working…
If you get a good idea, probably you have been working hardly studying a subject, the constraints, the advantages…
If you are good at something is because you have trained it hardly…
So at the end of the day it seems that the real secret of success is hard working!

Thank you so much for writing your responses for this topic.

Here is how you can express this sentence better:

I think that all secrets mentioned are related to hard-working.
I think that all secrets mentioned are related to hard work or working hard.

Keep up the good job!

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